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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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Because this means that these views which contradict their own are popular - and this drives them all ragey.


Yes, so ragey we want to shoot you in front of your family, but only after we've sworn at you for twenty minutes and punched you several times.

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Making of news programmes, sitcoms, football, snooker, Jeremy Paxman's salary and that of the director general, to name but a few


So are you saying that the TV licence fee paid for all BBC programmes etc but Top Gear was funded by someone else?

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I've just realised you were referring to the anti-Clarkson mob as "rabid dogs" , weren't you ?


I honestly thought you were referring to the one million idiotic morons that signed the online position in support of the old dinosaur and were now resorting to sending death threats to the director of the BBC !


Oh boy, is my face red


Ah I see we have another one who invents evidence and presents it as fact. What is the identity of these one million folk who you claim sent death threats to the director of the BBC.

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I've just realised you were referring to the anti-Clarkson mob as "rabid dogs" , weren't you ?


I honestly thought you were referring to the one million idiotic morons that signed the online position in support of the old dinosaur and were now resorting to sending death threats to the director of the BBC !


Oh boy, is my face red



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So are you saying that the TV licence fee paid for all BBC programmes etc but Top Gear was funded by someone else?


The license fee pays for programs at the bbc that don't fund themselves. Programs that make a profit pay towards those that don't. It is rather like the output of a factory pays the toilet rolls in the washrooms.

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The license fee pays for programs at the bbc that don't fund themselves. Programs that make a profit pay towards those that don't. It is rather like the output of a factory pays the toilet rolls in the washrooms.


Money is not the issue here it is fact that Clarkson was on a final warning for months before this latest tantrum .Now when you are on a final warning and you punch a workmate you have committed an offence.The producer ended up have treatment to a split lip.The police wanted to intervene but to his credit the producer told them he was not going to press charges other wise it would have become criminal.Just because the police thanks to the producer have not intervened does not make it a lesser breach of his behaviour regarding the fact he his on his last warning.As for people being left wing or right wing just because they do not hold the same view as you is rather puzzling .What has that to do with someone who has just used his fists against a work mate knowing he his on his last warning.The phrase last warning means you must behave or the next time you walk,could not be clearer unless you are dense.Why all the discussion that was his last chance.

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Money is not the issue here it is fact that Clarkson was on a final warning for months before this latest tantrum .Now when you are on a final warning and you punch a workmate you have committed an offence.The producer ended up have treatment to a split lip.The police wanted to intervene but to his credit the producer told them he was not going to press charges other wise it would have become criminal.Just because the police thanks to the producer have not intervened does not make it a lesser breach of his behaviour regarding the fact he his on his last warning.As for people being left wing or right wing just because they do not hold the same view as you is rather puzzling .What has that to do with someone who has just used his fists against a work mate knowing he his on his last warning.The phrase last warning means you must behave or the next time you walk,could not be clearer unless you are dense.Why all the discussion that was his last chance.
..........."As for people being left wing or right wing"


......'and in the the red corner, Lord Prescott (AKA Slugger O'Toole)........and in the blue corner,Jezza(the thumper)Clarkson.

A previous poster has stated that Slugger would flatten the Thumper...........even money for me!

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Money is not the issue here it is fact that Clarkson was on a final warning for months before this latest tantrum .Now when you are on a final warning and you punch a workmate you have committed an offence.The producer ended up have treatment to a split lip.The police wanted to intervene but to his credit the producer told them he was not going to press charges other wise it would have become criminal.Just because the police thanks to the producer have not intervened does not make it a lesser breach of his behaviour regarding the fact he his on his last warning.As for people being left wing or right wing just because they do not hold the same view as you is rather puzzling .What has that to do with someone who has just used his fists against a work mate knowing he his on his last warning.The phrase last warning means you must behave or the next time you walk,could not be clearer unless you are dense.Why all the discussion that was his last chance.


Gosh you did read a lot in my post that I hadn't written. I suppose that is the problem. There are a lot of folk reading various reports and adding bits to what is actually there whilst ignoring the bits that don't suit.

Now there's the thing. If the evidence exists to back up your claims there will be a prosecution. If there isn't there won't. That is why there won't be a prosecution. How upsetting is that for you?

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Do you understand the meaning of words?


If so, what do you think these words in the summary mean


" Specific facts I have found as part of my investigation are as follows: " ?




" It was not disputed by Jeremy Clarkson or any witness that Oisin Tymon was the victim of an unprovoked physical and verbal attack " ?


And once you've worked it out try and answer the question, who is the person responsible for Clarkson no longer being involved with Top Gear?




You appear to be ignoring the question I have now asked several times, Who was the person responsible for the current state of affairs?


Ken McQarrie was brought in by the BBC in London to act as it's internal investigator.


He is Director with overall responsibility for Scotland, and has 1,250 staff in Scotland under his control.


His summary is clear and unquestioned by Clarkson or the witnesses.


There is absolutely no question about the incident, Clarkson attacked the producer both verbally and physically, and without provocation.


So who is the person responsible for Clarkson no longer being involved with Top Gear?

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