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Clarkson suspended by the BBC

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I'm not surprised. Them blinkers must be set to stun.

Have you checked the meaning of 'physical incident' yet? :)


So going back to your motor insurance claim. If you said that you had been involved with an incident involving another vehicle that you would have admitted being at fault?

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Why would he, when there's a million other brown-nosing sycophants to choose from?


From what I can tell either of the two seem pretty reluctant to do the show without him, that said, I think they're all actual friends, as opposed to just presenters who work together, so I'd say the chances would be IF another show were to surface, they would be together. Regardless of what people seem to be saying, there are many many people who want to see them back on TV, tbh whether you like him or not, I'd work with him just for the millions I'd pull.

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BBC will have to pull something out of the bag now that the executive producer and personal friend of Jeremy Clarkson has quit TG


Depends which way you want to look at that e-mail and his denial himself of him leaving. I think if a better opportunity arises he will leave.

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I just slowly but surely got tired df the same old repeatedly, and stopped watching it over two years ago. As a native yorkshireman like yourselves, I thought there were better representatives of our clan than some ponced up oaf with a funny Southern accent lording it up on somebody elses money, in somebody else's car over a poor Kia driver like me. By the Way Clarko, God bless America:hihi:

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