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The whereabouts of Rossyrooney


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All my Best Thoughts and Wishes go to you for a speedy recovery and return to the forum Rossyrooney.



Thank you for being (the Sole Member of) my Welcoming Commitee when I registered on SF a few weeks ago, It still is very much appreciated :thumbsup:


I join the many on here that eagerly await your next OP.

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Sickness Prayer


We hate to see you sick & ailing.

being a Blade's your only failing.


We also look forward to the day your'e feeling fit.

so come on Rossy get well soon ya towd git.:hihi:


We Pray for a speedy recovery to get back on the forum one day.


With heatlthy heart & a spirit of mind you will

be tip top & okay.

Edited by owl.66
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