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Should the UK scrap race laws

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I read it, its daft, all things to all loonies. Your whole attitude would turn the world against us, little Englanders, combined with Salmond and his wee scotsmen. Pathetic.


We are a big country, with a great history, we did not become great by excluding people who do not look like us or pray like us, we became great because we worked hard, helped those who aspired and were prepared to work and contribute.


UKIP at core IS racist, sexist and horrid. Get a grip on reality. Don't waste your vote.


Over 4 million "loonies" Alan? Wasted Votes?

We shall see, but I still agree Cameron is far better than Milliband.

Oh by the way, UKIP have NO plans to exclude anyone from coming here.




Edited by esme
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Paul Gascoigne, 49, has been issued with a summons to appear at Wolverhampton Magistrates' Court on 17 June.


For a "joke" he made during the Evening with Gazza show, the spokesperson added.


The Express & Star reported that the complaint centred on a remark the ex-England international is said to have made about a black security guard who was in a darkened part of the stage, about whom Mr Gascoigne allegedly said he could not tell "if he was smiling or not".


How ridiculous.



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Over 4 million "loonies" Alan? Wasted Votes?

We shall see, but I still agree Cameron is far better than Milliband.

Oh by the way, UKIP have NO plans to exclude anyone from coming here.





'It would not have been necessary to form UKIP if Margaret Thatcher had not been ousted by her party.'


Nigel Farage said that. Do all 4 million UKIP voters know that?


UKIP rose from the ashes of Thatcher's removal. It has its origins in 1991 and was created for one reason - to secure our exit from the EU. It became UKIP in 1993.


The big rise in immigration occurred during the Blair years and turned off many Labour voters. UKIP have managed to scoop up those voters and scare the government into the EU referendum. UKIP existed long before New Labour, with one goal: Brexit. It did not exist in 1993 with Labour voters in mind. Do all 4 million UKIP voters understand that? It is a party staffed by disgraced ex-Tories.


Scrapping the law because he doesn't think the UK is discriminatory anymore is a stupid and sinister idea. As far as I am aware arson in the Royal Dockyards is still illegal. But because no-one ever does it does not mean the law should be scrapped. It would be the start of a slippery slope!


The Labour, Lib Dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Sinn Fein, SDLP and Green parties all want us to remain in the EU. So does more than half the Conservative Party, including our democratically elected Prime Minister.


On the 23rd, send UKIP packing!

Edited by Shef1985
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then we can scrap rights for women and the vote. open up the workhouses for the poor and take away everybodys employment rights


why not bring back diptheria and rickets while were at it too

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'It would not have been necessary to form UKIP if Margaret Thatcher had not been ousted by her party.'


Nigel Farage said that. Do all 4 million UKIP voters know that?


UKIP rose from the ashes of Thatcher's removal. It has its origins in 1991 and was created for one reason - to secure our exit from the EU. It became UKIP in 1993.


The big rise in immigration occurred during the Blair years and turned off many Labour voters. UKIP have managed to scoop up those voters and scare the government into the EU referendum. UKIP existed long before New Labour, with one goal: Brexit. It did not exist in 1993 with Labour voters in mind. Do all 4 million UKIP voters understand that? It is a party staffed by disgraced ex-Tories.


Scrapping the law because he doesn't think the UK is discriminatory anymore is a stupid and sinister idea. As far as I am aware arson in the Royal Dockyards is still illegal. But because no-one ever does it does not mean the law should be scrapped. It would be the start of a slippery slope!


The Labour, Lib Dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Sinn Fein, SDLP and Green parties all want us to remain in the EU. So does more than half the Conservative Party, including our democratically elected Prime Minister.


On the 23rd, send UKIP packing!


On the 23rd I certainly will not be sending UKIP packing and I hope the 4 million voters who voted for UKIP and others will also vote to leave the EU.

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On the 23rd I certainly will not be sending UKIP packing and I hope the 4 million voters who voted for UKIP and others will also vote to leave the EU.


Well more fool you.


I think Lou Reed sang it best: you're going to reap just what you sow...

Edited by Shef1985
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We should all colaborate on a worldwide basis,never mind europe.

In the correct circumstances this planet meets all our needs,we just need to asses the demand and adjust accordingly.

We need to ditch the banks and the antiquated roman monetary system that makes slaves of the many and supports just a few in a style that defies our reason for bieng here and theres.

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In the correct circumstances this planet meets all our needs,we just need to asses the demand and adjust accordingly.


Oil and coal was formed from dead plant material millions of years ago, fossil fuels are non-renewable. They took a very long time to form and we are using them up faster than they can be renewed.

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Oil and coal was formed from dead plant material millions of years ago, fossil fuels are non-renewable. They took a very long time to form and we are using them up faster than they can be renewed.


Yeah and we now start fracking for gas and in Yorkshire,capitalism at its worst:mad:

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