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Dear Forum.. I am being harrassed

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Check out your local pub to find a gang willing to clear your garden for a hundred quid.


Really? If I did that, given I've never stepped over the threshold of my local, I'd probably get some odd looks before they returned to their pints. If I've gone to the pub for a swift half the last thing I have on my mind is clearing some unfortunates front garden.


Try yellow pages or this very forum instead.

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To be honest, it looks like a bit of a clunky system. It's better than nothing of course, but there being no possibility of dialog with the OP (of any DearForum thread) is kind of limiting.


There is dialog as the original staff member who posted it on behalf of the user is the only person (other than the OP) who knows who they are, and so the OP can request to post a reply to the thread under the "Dear Forum.." user again...

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The lack of response with a Dear Forum post is unavoidable. Unless the person posts in his/her usual (probably instantly recognisable) pseudonym.


The way it works is, a user will contact admin or a mod, and ask for the post to be posted as a 'Dear Forum' (anonymous) post. The mod will be asked to post specific text. It's not modified or changed in any way. It will be verbatim, as the user requests. Therefore any response within the course of the ensuing conversation isn't possible by the user, as they have no access to the account.


I suppose it might be feasible for them to again contact a mod or admin to add a post to clarify certain points asked, but all mods and admins volunteer their time in doing the job and may not be available, or simply have lives of their own.


Hope that clarifies the position.


Oh, and just as an addendum. Admins and mods are not allowed to inform or discuss requests for Dear Forum requests with other mods or admin. So as to maximise the anonymity of the post.


Thanks Pete, Maybe I am a soft touch or naive, but I think to take the time to contact a mod to help post anonymously is a cry for help. It would be to much hassle for a troll. I hope whoever they are they are ok.

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What IS a troll please?

I have asked, and asked and never got an answer.


A troll is someone perceived to be a trouble maker / attention seeker. They will signup to cause mischief for fun. However some on this forum will call you a Troll just because you do not agree with them.

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dear forum


i am being harassed by someone and they will not stop.

i have contacted the police but this person is making lies up so it looks like we are retaliating when we are not.

how do i get this to stop?


I've been in a very similar situation and I am now in the process of getting the matter resolved. I have to be careful what I say because it is now going through court.


The thing is that they is always 2 sides to every story. In my situation certain things were happening and then when the police became involved it was either the incident never took place or they would tell a totally different story.


Because my 'situation' involved proceedings in court over a child, I have had to prove not only did these incidents take place, but that the other side lied in that they said either the incidents didn't take place or not in a way that was reported.


Unfortunately for them now all that evidence is available, and when this person told the courts previously that certain incidents hadn't taken place they had admitted to other people (police etc) that it had taken place. Obviously these places record things like that and it has taken me a lot of time and effort to obtain this information.


All you can do is keep records and keep reporting it to the police. If an incident takes place try and get witnesses or as much evidence as you can. If it comes to the point you might have to make an application to the courts and you will need this evidence.


Don't forget if it does go to court that they have a right to reply, so the evidence is the key. I've got that now and I was in court this week in which a judge is very concerned why the courts previously were told one thing, and they have said to other people something else.

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Love your tag line! Just to let you know, We can help you prove harassment online. Pm me and I can help prove you are being followed online. presuming your ex is still living in the same place throughout the stalking. Obviously for free!

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