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Dear Forum.. Should I consider getting back with my ex?

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I sometimes let my mind slip back to an ex-girlfriend, the first serious girlfriend I had. She was beautiful, smart, and the sex was incredible, although that could be because most sex when you are a teenager/young adult is incredible (except of course for the fumbling early stages where everything goes wrong...)


Then I remember why we split up, we couldn't have a conversation without it ending in disagreement, I really never quite got her jokes and she started to try and control my life just beyond comfortable. I still look back upon that time fondly, but only when I forgot why it ended. Ex-partners should remain just that. You split up for a reason.

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My ex and I split up due to him being a naughty boy. He was young at the time.

The problem with my current relationship is I don't feel I'm getting what I need from it.

My ex is currently giving me this that I need and I know he shouldn't but he is. We were each other's first love. I haven't cheated on my current partner and I have no intention of doing so but I don't know where I am at.


Should I risk a relationship that at the moment isn't perfect for something that may or may not be? My ex and I got on brilliantly and got on with each other's family.

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You got on brilliantly years ago, but there's no proof that in the years that have happened since you haven't both developed habits or views that could stop you from being able to tolerate each other now.


There's also the question of whether you could ever truly trust someone who has cheated on you in the past. I'm not sure that I could, no matter how many years have passed, but then this isn't about me.


And if you haven't discussed the aspect of something missing from your current relationship with your current boyfriend then I think you really should do that. Communication is a huge part of a functioning relationship, and if he doesn't know that he's not meeting your needs then he has very little chance of meeting them.

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lol, he should run a mile from you, in contact with one of your exes not knowing which one to go for.


If I could talk to him I'd say listen man, if she's not 100% sure about wanting to be with you, another woman will be. Don't waste your time.

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lol, he should run a mile from you, in contact with one of your exes not knowing which one to go for.


If I could talk to him I'd say listen man, if she's not 100% sure about wanting to be with you, another woman will be. Don't waste your time.


^^^^^^^^ This^^^^^^^^^^


He's obviously bonded and care's for you're daughter and you're daughter loves him to bits..


But you're thinking about ruining all that to get back with an ex from years ago?


I'd say sit down with your current boyfriend and talk things through and try and sort things.

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Whatever happened to talking? I mean, if your current partner is not giving what you need, but otherwise you love him, why not talk to him. Unless he is a mind reader, he probably none the wiser about how you are feeling.


As for the ex, I wouldn't advise to go there, especially when your emotions are all over the place.

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