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Bye Bye NHS! We knew you weren't in safe hands.

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Interesting. I've just read the review of Saturday's papers on the bbc app and not one, not even the mirror, have it on their front page. Lots going on about clarkson, including the mirror. Seems short on real info and, because it's a tabloid, a balanced argument.

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Did you really believe the NHS was safe in Tory hands?


Just have a read about those companies the NHS' profitable parts are being syphoned off to.


I wonder if they got 'mates rates' for our NHS?


Given the choice of waiting for NHS treatment in Hospital or having it carried out sooner by another organization and paid for by the NHS , I would choose the latter. It needs expanding so that we have choice. For instance, I pay £30 for half hour of physiotherapy and acupuncture which is far superior than the physiotherapy and acupuncture offered by the NHS, its also closer to me and is easier to access, it would be nice if I could claim the £30 back from the NHS.



Under the contract many services will be provided in mobile facilities rather than hospitals. The NHS has been using mobile services for breast screening programmes but the contracts mark a large expansion into other areas of treatment and testing. The system is seen as more patient-friendly but it will also allow the NHS to rapidly buy in services from firms to help meet key waiting times targets.


The deal has been struck by the little-known body called NHS Supply Chain, which helps the health service with procurement. NHS Supply Chain has agreed the scale of the work across the health service and individual NHS trusts will now be able to hire the mobile firms to help clear backlogs.


“This framework was introduced to provide a central point from which mobile and strategic clinical services could be procured efficiently within the NHS. NHS organisations can choose to utilise this route to market if needed saving time, and resource, from not having to undertake formal public procurement locally”, the spokesman said.


A Department of Health spokesman said: “It’s nonsense to suggest that this contract means significant outsourcing of clinical services. Use of the private sector in the NHS represents only 6% of the total NHS budget – an increase of just 1.7% since May 2010. Charities, social enterprises and other providers continue to play an important role for the NHS as they have done for many years and the NHS should hold providers to account if they do not meet the high standards of care that patients expect.” It declined to comment on the three companies that have been criticised for poor care winning fresh NHS contracts to treat patients.

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Just who can you trust with the NHS?

The BBC news web site carries a story from the Torygraph who are serialising Nigel's book The Purple Revolution: The Year That Changed Everything, in which "UKIP leader Nigel Farage claims he was "almost killed" by the National Health Service, and said people should pay for private health care if they can."


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Tming is everything it seems. From del:


In a week where everybody was talking about Jeremy Clarkson, and the great British public actually rallied in to action where nearly a million people sighned a petition to save the job of a man who insulted and abused and swore at a co worker in earshot of other hotel guests for nearly 40 minuets before punching him in the face for committing the crime of not being able to give Mr Clarkson a Prime piece of sirloin steak for his supper.

The Tories with out warning sold off a huge piece of the NHS in the largest privatisation deal in NHS history, to some very questionable companies who's previous track records of delivering adequate services is quite frankly shockingly poor !! and the great British public could not even be bothered to start a petition let alone sign one in protest.


Your NHS is no longer being chipped away it is now having chunks removed from it and it is no surprise that the Tories pulled this huge sell of with just a weeks before the general election !! While they are definitely still able to do it, in a week when absolutely no A and E targets were hit over the whole of the winter period, something that has never happened in NHS history !


So when you have a two tier health service, where the wealthy receive the best healthcare, and the rest of us are left with an inferior service just remember that when Britain was called into action to save something that is so important to all our lives !! We hopefully got Clarkson back on Top Gear with a nice hot steak for his tea...

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As others pointed out Labour have done exactly the same in the past. This time it's the coalition. Next time it could be Labour again.


All the foundations for this were laid by Labour anyway. You can't trust any of the three parties, probably not UKIP either.

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Just who can you trust with the NHS?

The BBC news web site carries a story from the Torygraph who are serialising Nigel's book The Purple Revolution: The Year That Changed Everything, in which "UKIP leader Nigel Farage claims he was "almost killed" by the National Health Service, and said people should pay for private health care if they can."



Nigel Farage is a ticking time bomb due to his smoking and high intake of alcohol. He is only 50.

He will be thankful for the NHS emergency services when he has his first stroke or heart attack.

Edited by Daven
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Tming is everything it seems. From del:


In a week where everybody was talking about Jeremy Clarkson, and the great British public actually rallied in to action where nearly a million people sighned a petition to save the job of a man who insulted and abused and swore at a co worker in earshot of other hotel guests for nearly 40 minuets before punching him in the face for committing the crime of not being able to give Mr Clarkson a Prime piece of sirloin steak for his supper.

The Tories with out warning sold off a huge piece of the NHS in the largest privatisation deal in NHS history, to some very questionable companies who's previous track records of delivering adequate services is quite frankly shockingly poor !! and the great British public could not even be bothered to start a petition let alone sign one in protest.


Your NHS is no longer being chipped away it is now having chunks removed from it and it is no surprise that the Tories pulled this huge sell of with just a weeks before the general election !! While they are definitely still able to do it, in a week when absolutely no A and E targets were hit over the whole of the winter period, something that has never happened in NHS history !


So when you have a two tier health service, where the wealthy receive the best healthcare, and the rest of us are left with an inferior service just remember that when Britain was called into action to save something that is so important to all our lives !! We hopefully got Clarkson back on Top Gear with a nice hot steak for his tea...

Why shouldn't the wealthy receive the best healthcare if that's what they want to spend their money on? they still have to contribute towards the NHS at the same time!
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