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Bye Bye NHS! We knew you weren't in safe hands.

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maybe if we all paid an extra 2p in the pound tax, straight to the NHS, this might help quite a lot. Of course those of us that dont work wouldnt be affected unless their benefits were reduced pro-rata


2? Might be nearer 10 if we are all being honest. And no party has the conkers to say they would do it, and if I was on a low wage but in rude health I'm not sure I'd want to pay much more in taxes.


It's a very tricky issue so successive governments have fudged it by asking the private sector to help foot the bill which, unsurprisingly, they in turn want profit out of.

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2? Might be nearer 10 if we are all being honest. And no party has the conkers to say they would do it, and if I was on a low wage but in rude health I'm not sure I'd want to pay much more in taxes.


It's a very tricky issue so successive governments have fudged it by asking the private sector to help foot the bill which, unsurprisingly, they in turn want profit out of.


There's a choice really. The NHS effectively rations care spend and helps contain health spending to around 10% of GDP.


Open things out to the private market and if we followed the US model then health spend could expand to 15% or more of GDP. With that system there are no brakes, nothing to stop spending ballooning beyond control. The economic consequences of that are serious and improved health outcomes are not delivered anyway.


So in terms of taxes there is no need to pay more but you won't save money with a private system. You'll pay high insurance premiums instead. A mate of mine paid £400 a month in Switzerland for his health insurance. What needs to happen is the NHS needs to get smarter and more efficient. We all know big chunks of it could function better and that is the challenge.

Edited by I1L2T3
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There's a choice really. The NHS effectively rations care spend and helps contain health spending to around 10% of GDP.


Open things out to the private market and if we followed the US model then health spend could expand to 15% or more of GDP. With that system there are no brakes, nothing to stop spending ballooning beyond control. The economic consequences of that are serious and improved health outcomes are not delivered anyway.


So in terms of taxes there is no need to pay more but you won't save money with a private system. You'll pay high insurance premiums instead. A mate of mine paid £400 a month in Switzerland for his health insurance. What needs to happen is the NHS needs to get smarter and more efficient. We all know big chunks of it could function better and that is the challenge.


The other option I suppose would be the French model.

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Tming is everything it seems. From del:


In a week where everybody was talking about Jeremy Clarkson, and the great British public actually rallied in to action where nearly a million people sighned a petition to save the job of a man who insulted and abused and swore at a co worker in earshot of other hotel guests for nearly 40 minuets before punching him in the face for committing the crime of not being able to give Mr Clarkson a Prime piece of sirloin steak for his supper.

The Tories with out warning sold off a huge piece of the NHS in the largest privatisation deal in NHS history, to some very questionable companies who's previous track records of delivering adequate services is quite frankly shockingly poor !! and the great British public could not even be bothered to start a petition let alone sign one in protest.


Your NHS is no longer being chipped away it is now having chunks removed from it and it is no surprise that the Tories pulled this huge sell of with just a weeks before the general election !! While they are definitely still able to do it, in a week when absolutely no A and E targets were hit over the whole of the winter period, something that has never happened in NHS history !


So when you have a two tier health service, where the wealthy receive the best healthcare, and the rest of us are left with an inferior service just remember that when Britain was called into action to save something that is so important to all our lives !! We hopefully got Clarkson back on Top Gear with a nice hot steak for his tea...




I wonder who got the Country so deeply into debt that they had to sell of much of our gold reserves at a knock down price to help them out of the mire. Ah yes, it comes back to me now, Brown and the New Liebour Party.


Vote UKip readers - you know it makes sense.



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The other option I suppose would be the French model.


2% more of GDP for similar outcomes.


£40000000000 extra to now (yes that is 10 zeroes)


We need to be careful what we wish for. We don't realise what we've got. Dismantle it and it can never be put right again.

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maybe if we all paid an extra 2p in the pound tax, straight to the NHS, this might help quite a lot. Of course those of us that dont work wouldnt be affected unless their benefits were reduced pro-rata


Of course it might help, but we would soon be back here talking about it needing more money,

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I wonder who got the Country so deeply into debt that they had to sell of much of our gold reserves at a knock down price to help them out of the mire. Ah yes, it comes back to me now, Brown and the New Liebour Party.


Vote UKip readers - you know it makes sense.




Oh dear, you sound so desperate when you try to drag up past arguments that you know you lost ages ago

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You need to read some truth on TTIP.



And you believe what the article (or Clegg) says???




---------- Post added 15-03-2015 at 09:31 ----------


Oh dear, you sound so desperate when you try to drag up past arguments that you know you lost ages ago


The argument wasn't lost Mecky - it was fact!



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Of course it might help, but we would soon be back here talking about it needing more money,


Left to its own devices any health service will expand and eventually consume 15-20% of GDP.


The point is the NHS will always need more money like you say. We can't provide it which is one of the massive unsung achievements of our health service - it provides many good outcomes for much less than other countries spend.


Let the main parties have their way and eventually we'll be spending 50% more on health care and you, me and everybody else will be paying for it through private medical insurance payments, while if the US experience is a guide for not much better health care most likely on top of similar tax levels to now.


Make no mistake that is where all the parties would take us, not to some enlightened socially responsible European system but to a hell based on the American system.


---------- Post added 15-03-2015 at 09:43 ----------


And you believe what the article (or Clegg) says???




---------- Post added 15-03-2015 at 09:31 ----------



The argument wasn't lost Mecky - it was fact!




The amount lost is nominally much less now that the gold price has fallen which begs the question of why Osborne didn't offload some gold 2 years ago when prices were much higher. I guess you would say that he didn't know prices would fall but did Brown know prices would rise so dramatically either.


Anyway, at current prices Brown's mistake has probably lost us less that Osborne's tax giveaway to Vodafone in 2010 ;)

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Left to its own devices any health service will expand and eventually consume 15-20% of GDP.


The point is the NHS will always need more money like you say. We can't provide it which is one of the massive unsung achievements of our health service - it provides many good outcomes for much less than other countries spend.


Let the main parties have their way and eventually we'll be spending 50% more on health care and you, me and everybody else will be paying for it through private medical insurance payments, while if the US experience is a guide for not much better health care most likely on top of similar tax levels to now.


Make no mistake that is where all the parties would take us, not to some enlightened socially responsible European system but to a hell based on the American system.


---------- Post added 15-03-2015 at 09:43 ----------



The amount lost is nominally much less now that the gold price has fallen which begs the question of why Osborne didn't offload some gold 2 years ago when prices were much higher. I guess you would say that he didn't know prices would fall but did Brown know prices would rise so dramatically either.


Anyway, at current prices Brown's mistake has probably lost us less that Osborne's tax giveaway to Vodafone in 2010 ;)


The point was in 2008 it wasn't a seller's market. Something had to be done immediately at ATMs were 24 hours from drying up. We all remember the panic of queues outside banks

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