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Local knuckle heads

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  • 11 months later...

I used to deliver papers to Dennis Hobson's house when he lived on March street (off Tinsley Park road ) and one christmas gave me a tip of "thirty bob" ( one pound fifty in todays money )

which was more than my weekly paper money Dennis is one of sheffields few true gentlemen

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I'd be interested to know more about the Morgan character. I would have been 8 in 1969, so he was before my time. However, I have heard tales of the man's lethal prowess with the "nut" [head- butting]. I was told that he was very stocky, of medium height and absolutely fearless. If Deadgobby, or anyone else has some background details, I would be pleased. I was also told that Morgan once took on a huge opponent, and virtually climbed up the guy to deliver the fatal blow. Which area was he from? Did he work in the market?

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