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Local knuckle heads

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you obviously don't care for this thread, you have posted on it twice, once to have it merged with the'big hitters' thread, which i can understand, and one to close it, which i can't.


If i don't care for the content of a thread i tend to stay off it, but i don't see any problem with this one, perhaps you could elaborate.


its the same things over and over it should have merged with the big hitters its all about the same people

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I knew the Walkers-Brains sat nxt to me on the 1st day of our last term @ Chaucer school before leaving-they called his name out @ register-didn't see him again til he came for his school leaving report-nxt time i saw him was in my mid 20s @ Shaws tea stall in the market-we looked @ each other trying to figure out where we knew each other from-i mentioned a few firms i'd worked for,he said no,then he mentioned a load of nicks we might have met in?haha-what a character-somebody once told me,when they lived up Parkwood Springs gypsies reported them to police for nicking 1 of their horses haha-They had a sister,Carol,i think-havn't seen her for yrs though-also on same thread,Ken Barton was a big pal of mine,sadly missed.:loopy:

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Just Phoned the Tyrwhitt Arms at Short Ferry 9 15 am june 10th AND spoke to the landlady, she has had numerous calls regarding Ray Morgan, also cards of sypathy, THE MAN IS STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL


Had a few of them Tyrwhitt burgers back in the 80s....good pub, I try to eat more healthy now like (random I Know) :D

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