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Local knuckle heads

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Brains,,was my uncle,alan (betta known as "fat un"?), my dad.i was only a nipper but have to say it was fun been amongst them in the many pubs they travelled in, stories they could tell and experiences been more with laughter...to say the least.many characters alongside them.good old days!!!!

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I'd be interested to know more about the Morgan character. I would have been 8 in 1969, so he was before my time. However, I have heard tales of the man's lethal prowess with the "nut" [head- butting]. I was told that he was very stocky, of medium height and absolutely fearless. If Deadgobby, or anyone else has some background details, I would be pleased. I was also told that Morgan once took on a huge opponent, and virtually climbed up the guy to deliver the fatal blow. Which area was he from? Did he work in the market?


Ray now lives in Short Ferry near Lincoln he was my mates uncle I met him in 67 when he was visiting his sister

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Just Phoned the Tyrwhitt Arms at Short Ferry 9 15 am june 10th AND spoke to the landlady, she has had numerous calls regarding Ray Morgan, also cards of sypathy, THE MAN IS STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL


This is the most exaggerated ingrowing toenail in living history. :hihi:

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Its about time this thread was shut down ....


You obviously don't care for this thread, you have posted on it twice, once to have it merged with the'Big Hitters' thread, which I can understand, and one to close it, which I can't.


If I don't care for the content of a thread I tend to stay off it, but I don't see any problem with this one, perhaps you could elaborate.

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i find this thread very interesting since i was knocking about town in those far off days so if you dont like it pigeon go to another thread and stop trying to spoil it for us


me to i remimber most ofum if da dunt like it pigion dunt say owt . yours ex scrapman

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