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The Decline Of Sheffield City Centre

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The last opinion poll put Labour ahead and the Tories well behind the Lib-Dems. UKIP were nowhere, hardly surprising as the candidate lives in Scotland.




The link gives lib-dems 80% chance of winning that ward (dated may 1st) but does not tell you the percantages for the other parties.


I can't envisage a labour victory in Sheffield Hallam unless they move the boundries.


The prediction for the constituency I live in has a high percentage labour win regretably there is noone near them but this is sheffield and infortunately there people there who are incapable of learning from experience or choosing to who to vote for in an informed way.



Edited by Tommo68
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If by that you mean the polls put labour ahead in that ward would you please pass on where to get the data on polls by ward I am concerned about whether I should vote tactically or if pointless voting I can spoil my paper to register my continued dissatisfaction with the entire process and the ckoices offered.


I can't envisage a labour victory in Sheffield Hallam unless they move the boundries.


In the latest Ashcroft poll:


LAB 37% LIB 36% CON 15%



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Me and my other half went shopping the other day and I was saddened to see so many empty shop windows in Sheffield City Centre.


In my childhood, most of these shops were filled with popular retailers and they now stand empty. I have many happy memories of going shopping with my family and now (I don't know why this has only just struck me, because obviously this has been the situation for some time) if I go to town with my family; my kids probably won't have as many happy memories as I did, because it's quite a depressing place now.


My concern was reinforced walking through Hillsborough and it occured to me (again, I don't know why this has only just sunk in) that the cause of this internet shopping and that every time I decide to buy something online, I am actually making the problem worse.


I worry that my kids are going to live in a world, where they will have more interactions with computers than they do with people and they will miss out on many of the good memories that I have, most of which of through interacting with other people.


I have therefore decided to make a real effort to go on my iPhone less and do less internet shopping and this will be my contribution to try and reduce making this City a place where nobody socialises or has the chance to go shopping and see other people.


I know I'm not going to change the world alone, but at least I won't feel as bad if I stop making the problem worse by purchasing items online.


In closing, I hope the proposed Sevenstones development is successful, so I can stop feeling guilty about contributing to this problem in the first place!

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The whole nature of Sheffield city centre needs to change. As so often mentioned on here we are well behind Leeds, Manchester and the like in terms of popular, big name shops so why try to compete? Shopping is moving online more and more so we should try to make Sheffield different. Focus on entertainment and for things people can't get online. Local, small scale retailers, theatre, cinema, nightlife etc.

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I hope you are right and I know the financial crisis hasn't helped, but my concern is that the main contributing factor to the demise of Sheffield City Centre and other cities across the country is actually the internet.


Unfortunately, I think that because of this, the deterioration of our cities may continue.


The internet is great is some respects, just not for local communities in my opinion.

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I can't remember the last time I went shopping in the city centre, I find it more convenient to shop online, if I want something in a hurry I can use Amazon Prime Now which has recently launched in Sheffield and South Yorkshire. I can't wait for Amazon to roll out their new Fresh service, which is currently been launched in London: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36485318

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