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Pulled my back..

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I seemed to have pulled my back not sure if it was the disc but its very painful whats the strongest painkillers that will work to ease pain got to work in a bit.


Having had quite a bit of experience with back problems the chances are if you can move around freely - despite the pain - it's probably a pulled muscle.


If you've trapped a nerve then almost invariably you would have restricted movement in addition to the pain.


Co-Codamol is probably the strongest pain killer you can buy over the counter but should be used with care and if you are taking any other medication consult the pharmacist before buying.


Hope you recover soon.

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I seemed to have pulled my back not sure if it was the disc but its very painful whats the strongest painkillers that will work to ease pain got to work in a bit.


You dont want to be asking for medical advice on a forum. Well meaning intentions could end up causing problems if the wrong advice is given.Speak to your GP or ring 111

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Did my back badly over 20 years ago. Got prescribed a mix of ibuprofen and co-codomol which took away the constant pain but didn't do much for those times when you had to move but just knew it was going to hurt like hell to get to the position you wanted to be in :wow:

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