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Socialist Worker Party

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I had a debate with someone on another thread and it got me questioning my own views. Is there a point to the Socialist Worker Party. It seems quite top down in its leadership as the message is the same where ever you go. Is it run by one man or a group of men (or women)? Do they do any good. They dont stand for elections they just amass lots of signatures for things. So what good do they do?


They still turn up with the other leftie , nutjob trouble causing splinter groups at the EDL rallies going under the UAF umbrella.


To answer your question , there is not point what so ever to the SWP .

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SWP are robots.


as long as Tony Cliff, their founder and who was a genuine character of the left was alive they were just about worth watching. But now they are having even more trouble holding onto their members than the mainstream parties are. Although their newspaper was never all that bad, when was the last time you saw anybody selling one.

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SWP are robots.


as long as Tony Cliff, their founder and who was a genuine character of the left was alive they were just about worth watching. But now they are having even more trouble holding onto their members than the mainstream parties are. Although their newspaper was never all that bad, when was the last time you saw anybody selling one.


I've never come across or seen any of the parties papers being sold. I get the odd fire lighting material through the door but that's about it.

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I think the SWP are a bit of a joke. What do they do with these petitions they are always getting people to sign?


They probably get emailed straight to MI5 by an operative who has infiltrated the SWP. Likewise the membership lists.


These organisations (UKIP, SWP etc...) are manna from heaven for the secret services. People who join then might as well register themselves as fruitcakes directly with MI5.


All about control.

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I attended their big conference in the 1980s as a teenager bit of a fluke really. I was just looking for a cheap ride into London and they had these inexpensive buses going down, cheaper than the Nazi National Express and a lot more convenient than hitching.


in one of the seminars I got up and said said well I'd like to say something about this debate on Britain turning into a police state, but seeing as there are more coppers on the stage masquerading as Marxists, than there is in the audience, what's the point?


security was not impressed and I was removed from the building. I said 'thanks, constable', and wandered off in the general direction of the Russell Square tube station.

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I remember reading about a female member of the SWP being sexually assaulted by someone high up in the organisation, but rather than going to the "capitalist police" (:roll:) the matter was dealt with in some sort of in-house kangaroo court.




And the woman who was at the heart of this disgraceful rape cover-up is standing again as the TUSC candidate at the general election in Brightside and Hillsborough.


I really don't know how she has the gall to do this.


I don't know why our wonderful media aren't exposing it.

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And the woman who was at the heart of this disgraceful rape cover-up is standing again as the TUSC candidate at the general election in Brightside and Hillsborough.


I really don't know how she has the gall to do this.


I don't know why our wonderful media aren't exposing it.


Because TUSC are taken less seriously then the Monster Raving Loony Party?


---------- Post added 17-03-2015 at 08:09 ----------


The Socialist Worker - often heard, Rarely seen


Actually I'd say it's the other way around. Often seen in some town centres, rarely hear of them away from that.

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