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Freedom Of Speech.

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Isn't it the context of the situation that gets you arrested rather than the use of the words by themselves? I hear thousands of football fans sing songs with swearwords in them up and down the country every weekend. How many of them get arrested?


The opinion he voiced is what got him arrested, I see plenty of unlawful acts everyday, but acting unlawfully doesn't always result in an arrest.

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Dont speak for me please. I can say exactly what i want and i wont get arrested. I do have 100% freedom of speech.


Really? You have a short memory. Never heard of political correctness? You might not be arrested but you could certainly lose your job for stating the truth. Just ask teacher Ray Honeyford.


In fact, just today, former equalities commisioner, Trevor Philips,

has said that 'the silencing of debate has done devastating harm to Britain.'


"Britain is silencing debate on race issues by 'intimidating' those who dare to ask questions. Too many people felt unable to speak their mind because they fear being branded a racist."

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Do you want to say them on here or in public? Are you sure they can't be said on here or in public?


PM and I'll say them, or modify them if it's too sweary.


I don't want to say them on here or in public, but I know that doing so could result in a ban or prosecution.

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The opinion he voiced is what got him arrested, I see plenty of unlawful acts everyday, but acting unlawfully doesn't always result in an arrest.


No it wasn't, it was the context of the situation where he shared his opinion that got him arrested.


You're not seriously suggesting that if he was overheard at a different time and place sharing the exact same opinion, and the person who overheard then reported it to the police he'd have been in the same trouble?

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No it wasn't, it was the context of the situation where he shared his opinion that got him arrested.


You're not seriously suggesting that if he was overheard at a different time and place sharing the exact same opinion, and the person who overheard then reported it to the police he'd have been in the same trouble?


Freedom of speech allows for the sharing of opinions in public, obviously though he did not have freedom of speech, if he had he would not have been arrested.


If he had shared a different opinion in that same situation, do you think he would still have been arrested?


If he had said that homosexuality was not a sin he would not have been arrested.

Edited by Lucy75
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Freedom of speech allows for the sharing of opinions in public, obviously though he did not have freedom of speech, if he had he would not have been arrested.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you can say whatever you want in any situation without fear of being held accountable for your opinion. Surely you're not arguing in favour of such a situation?


If he had shared a different opinion in that same situation, do you think he would still have been arrested?


Well no, because as I said earlier the context of the situation would have been different.

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Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you can say whatever you want in any situation without fear of being held accountable for your opinion. Surely you're not arguing in favour of such a situation?




Well no, because as I said earlier the context of the situation would have been different.


Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment.


If there is fear of censorship or punishment then freedom of speech doesn't exist.


So it was the opinion he expressed that resulted in his arrest.

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Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment.


If there is fear of censorship or punishment then freedom of speech doesn't exist.


If that's the road that you're going down, I do not believe that as an absolute, freedom of speech has ever existed, and nor should it. Without accountability and or people acting responsibly the right is meaningless.


So it was the opinion he expressed that resulted in his arrest.


I feel that we're going around in circles.


Answer this question - if Andrew Mitchell was overheard at a different time and place sharing the exact same opinion, and the person who overheard him then reported it to the police do you believe that he would have been in the same trouble?

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If that's the road that you're going down, I do not believe that as an absolute, freedom of speech has ever existed, and nor should it. Without accountability and or people acting responsibly the right is meaningless.




I feel that we're going around in circles.


Answer this question - if Andrew Mitchell was overheard at a different time and place sharing the exact same opinion, and the person who overheard him then reported it to the police do you believe that he would have been in the same trouble?


You agree then, Freedom of speech does not exist.


That would depend on the level of evidence available to the police, with video evidence he could well have ended up in the same trouble.

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You agree then, Freedom of speech does not exist.


That would depend on the level of evidence available to the police, with video evidence he could well have ended up in the same trouble.


Has he been convicted? Sounds like an over enthusiastic plod to me. I reckon unless there's more to this than meets the eye this will get tossed out.


Let's put it this way, although it's not a view I subscribe to, it's something I'd put on here and not expect a ban. I'd expect the view to be challenged and ridiculed.

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