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Teaching your children to be dog aware..

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Teaching your children to be dog aware from bulldogs to border collies to great danes to grey hound's pitbull or alsation, a quarter of homes in uk have pet dogs but today statistics show that nearly half of parents would leave a child under 11 alone with a dog despite a rise in attacks.


would you leave a child alone with your dog????


Children shouldnt be left alone with their pet dog no matter what they should be supervised at all costs.

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Teaching your children to be dog aware from bulldogs to border collies to great danes to grey hound's pitbull or alsation, a quarter of homes in uk have pet dogs but today statistics show that nearly half of parents would leave a child under 11 alone with a dog despite a rise in attacks.


would you leave a child alone with your dog????


Children shouldnt be left alone with their pet dog no matter what they should be supervised at all costs.




Freind brings a dog on scout camp. It invariably ends up sleeping in a tent with a pile of scouts despite best efforts to make it stay in it's mobile kennel (ie the scouts "rescue" the creature and bring it into a tent). A well socialised dog is the least of the worries I would have.


Dog in question is a purebred American bulldog btw. Just to pour more oil onto the fire.

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Teaching your children to be dog aware from bulldogs to border collies to great danes to grey hound's pitbull or alsation, a quarter of homes in uk have pet dogs but today statistics show that nearly half of parents would leave a child under 11 alone with a dog despite a rise in attacks.


would you leave a child alone with your dog????


Children shouldnt be left alone with their pet dog no matter what they should be supervised at all costs.


Im sorry i dont agree. When correctly trained and thats the kids as well as the dog there really isnt going to be a problem at all .Telling a child they cant be left alone with a dog is one of the things thst will help instil fear in the child about dogs in general. :)

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I also disagree, my sister has a japanese akita which she has had since pup and is now 3 years old is always around her 5 year old daughter, they do everything together and the dog really is harmless and also trusted to be left alone to play in garden and throughout the house. It is how the dog is brought up that makes a dogs behaviour.


But, I do agree that children should be taught to be cautious of strangers dogs though.

Edited by airider
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I've never known a family pet turn on a child in the family, but I would draw the line at leaving babies alone with dogs (dogs can be as jealous of newborns as siblings can), and at letting dogs sleep with children.


I'm still reeling from the report on Radio 4 of a woman who let her pet dog (can't remember the breed, but it wasn't a banned one) sleep on her bed. She woke to find it attacking her and biting her nose off. (Nose unable to be reattached as dog swallowed it :gag:). Vet on programme said it is not unusual for dogs to have nightmares and to go into 'attack' mode when having one.


Just a thought.

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It was justt said on news owners with dangerous dogs can get 2 /14 years for attacking someone.




If its the same report Ive just seen it actually said the that the maximum sentence for an owner if their dog kills someone was to be raised from 2 years to 14.

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If its the same report Ive just seen it actually said the that the maximum sentence for an owner if their dog kills someone was to be raised from 2 years to 14.


Too bloody right.


Some of the people who own dogs are not in control of themselves, let alone an animal. They should bring back dog licences and would-be owners should have to pay £200 to the RSPCA to pass a suitability test.

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