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Teaching your children to be dog aware..

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You can word it however you like but we all know what you implied.


---------- Post added 20-03-2015 at 12:52 ----------



Absolutely not!!!! I would sort the situation out very swiftly myself.


I promise I'm not being 'prickly'...But how?....How would you sort it out?

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Split the dogs up Pete!


So you've got a dog attacking your dog, which is defenceless (being muzzled)...Things can very quickly turn very nasty....Have you ever tried parting 2 (or more) fighting dogs...especially big ones...It's easier said than done...


I was once attacked by 2 boxer dogs, not on a leash and I didn't have a dog (it was a long time ago)...I was wearing an afghan coat...which they took a dislike to....I couldn't fend them off....they were relentless....I was bitten...the coat ruined...It was a dreadful experience, and as I said, there was nothing I was able to do.


If you have a dog that is perfectly able to defend himself (and YOU..Don't forget that)...unmuzzled, then it's over very quickly and the aggressor will be seen off...


It's similar to someone who's a black belt in Karate...Part of the training is to be the non-aggressor, but when push comes to shove...God help the aggressor....

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