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Why only dogs? why not other animals

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Why is it dog owners can get £80 fine for their dog deficating in the street but not horses or cats etc.


This especially p****ed me off. A couple of horse mounted police I noticed there horse deficating I shouted to them, "oy I'd get a fine if my dog did that" there reply with a smile was "we can't get off and do it at the minute we are busy and will come back to do it" I just reply with yeah and you better do too and shook my head and walked away. They never returned by the way and the horse deficated on a green that 2 year olds upwards walk around and play on.


I really wish I got there identification so I could report them not only for horse deficating but for lying in doubt much would have happened but it would have made me feel better about it.



Any way back to the subject why don't horse riders cat owners and any other street walking animal that is owned get a fine yet dog owners do? Is it due to the higher number of dogs and the known mess issues that are the owners fault (lazy or pig headed people that don't carry a poop a scoop)

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Horse mucks a useable commodity, Cat's tend to either bury it or find long grass.


£80 is way too low to make dog owners clean up after there dog's.


Should be £1000 or dog confiscated and euthanized.

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Cats are Free spirits in the eyes of the law and horse muck isnt toxic like dog doo.


Except when it comes to the council being responsible for actually disposing of it, then it's not so bad.


They are quite happy to collect mountains of the stuff in a public park, but if one member of the public leaves some in the same place it's time for a fine :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:

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I'm having a severe case of deja vu here. Hasn't this been done to death on here before?


It's dead simple. Horse muck is harmless, relatively pleasant smelling and really good for the garden.


Dog turds are foul smelling, useless and can carry a particularly unpleasant disease.


Cats, as has been observed, don't foul public highways.


Any more questions?


---------- Post added 17-03-2015 at 22:26 ----------


Why is it dog owners can get £80 fine for their dog deficating in the street but not horses or cats etc.


This especially p****ed me off. A couple of horse mounted police I noticed there horse deficating I shouted to them, "oy I'd get a fine if my dog did that" there reply with a smile was "we can't get off and do it at the minute we are busy and will come back to do it" I just reply with yeah and you better do too and shook my head and walked away. They never returned by the way and the horse deficated on a green that 2 year olds upwards walk around and play on.


I really wish I got there identification so I could report them not only for horse deficating but for lying in doubt much would have happened but it would have made me feel better about it.



Any way back to the subject why don't horse riders cat owners and any other street walking animal that is owned get a fine yet dog owners do? Is it due to the higher number of dogs and the known mess issues that are the owners fault (lazy or pig headed people that don't carry a poop a scoop)


Horse muck doesn't present any health risk to children. What's the problem exactly here?

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Horse mucks a useable commodity, Cat's tend to either bury it or find long grass.


£80 is way too low to make dog owners clean up after there dog's.


Should be £1000 or dog confiscated and euthanized.

If that's the case maybe people should be euthanised for defecating through their keyboards
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I'm having a severe case of deja vu here. Hasn't this been done to death on here before?


It's dead simple. Horse muck is harmless, relatively pleasant smelling and really good for the garden.


Dog turds are foul smelling, useless and can carry a particularly unpleasant disease.


Cats, as has been observed, don't foul public highways.

Any more questions?


---------- Post added 17-03-2015 at 22:26 ----------



Horse muck doesn't present any health risk to children. What's the problem exactly here?


There is a cat on my street who seems to disagree.

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