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Why only dogs? why not other animals

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Guest sibon
There is a cat on my street who seems to disagree.


I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that Toxicaris Canis was much more prevalent than T. Felis.


Your street excepted, cats tend to bury their turds, whereas dogs just expel them anywhere. So dog turds are far more dangerous than cats turds.


Horses are pretty much harmless. I almost referrred to them as Red Herrings, but I have no data about Herring turds.

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I guess so.....

Digestive Tract- Seahorses have a fairly simple digestive system. They have no stomach so their food is not broken down until it reaches the intestines. Due to this, seahorses are forced to be constantly eating in order for their survival.

Excretion System- The kidney of the seahorse filters out the waste from their blood, and direct it to their urine bladder. At the urine bladder, the waste is held until finally released. Solid food is sent to the intestines where nutrients are absorbed and waste products are sent to the anal fin to be excreted.

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Actually cat poo is also very toxic and carries parasites but they do bury it . ( although not so great for gardeners ) I am a dog owner but I can't stand people who refuse to pick up after their dogs . Even worse is when the bag it up and leave it on the street ?? It's not that difficult just bag it and bin it . Mind you some people can't even be bothered to put their own rubbish in their bins and prefer to litter the streets and gardens .

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Horse muck doesn't present any health risk to children. What's the problem exactly here?


It getting trud into the creme carpet,


I don't know there is no particular problem but unless your from the 60s and love the country side you don't want your kids running around with piles of **** on the floor. And to the person who said it smell not so bad you used the word pleasan! Are you for real? I hate it. My nan said it was the smell of fresh air.


And I don't recollect any thread on here asking why only dogs owners get fined and not horses etc.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 01:07 ----------


I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that Toxicaris Canis was much more prevalent than T. Felis.


Your street excepted, cats tend to bury their turds.


Cats that live around me are pooping Along the communal walkway.


It's very annoying and stinks on a sunny day (if it's kinda fresh that is) they do also go on the green and "bury" it but usually just pull up a few blades of grass around the poop and walk away


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 01:10 ----------


Dogs should go to the toilet before leaving the house. :)


This made me laugh out loud, but it's not nice talking about ugly women like that

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£80 is way too low to make dog owners clean up after there dog's.


Should be £1000 or dog confiscated and euthanized.


I'd substitute your 'or' with another 'and'. I'd also apply your suggestion to both cats and horses.


Except when it comes to the council being responsible for actually disposing of it, then it's not so bad.


They are quite happy to collect mountains of the stuff in a public park, but if one member of the public leaves some in the same place it's time for a fine :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:


I was under the impression that exercising double standards was one of the roles of the council, have I misunderstood something?


Horse muck is harmless, relatively pleasant smelling and really ....


Any more questions?


Well I do have two.. what kind of awful dirty part of the world are you used to living in? Pleasant smelling !!



Horse muck doesn't present any health risk to children. What's the problem exactly here?


I would be interested to see that claim being properly backed up.


If that's the case maybe people should be euthanised for defecating through their keyboards


RootsBooster you are two hard on yourself but be advised self euthanising when unsuccessful is a prosecutable offence. But good luck and I hope it works out for you.


Actually cat poo is also very toxic and carries parasites but they do bury it .


But they seldom bury it very well. Scat is bad news and all most all cat owners ought to be persecuted in the same way as most dog owners ought to be.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 02:22 ----------


And to the person who said it smell not so bad you used the word pleasan! Are you for real?


I think its possible he lives near a sewage works or perhaps he was brought up in a very unsanitary environment.


My nan said it was the smell of fresh air.


Have you been substituting your gran's snuff with finely ground horse crap?


That's just mean.

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It getting trud into the creme carpet,


Why would anyone buy a creme carpet for a living room?:huh:

That would entail asking guests/visitors to remove their shoes on entry. Wiping ones shoes on the door mat won't remove the inevitable residues of street muck.

I'd rather guests felt welcome.


My living room carpet is brown...a kind of turd colour, but regularly cleaned.


The creme carpet is in the bedroom.

Only special guests are invited up there.

Edited by Allen
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