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Why only dogs? why not other animals

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Except when it comes to the council being responsible for actually disposing of it, then it's not so bad.


They are quite happy to collect mountains of the stuff in a public park, but if one member of the public leaves some in the same place it's time for a fine :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:


Thats something you need to take up with the council and if its true then i would if i were you.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 05:16 ----------


There is a cat on my street who seems to disagree.


Exception to the rule. Im not a cat fan. They are ok but not my cup of tea so im not defending them through some feline loyalty thing but generally speaking cats dont crap on paths.

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I was under the impression that exercising double standards was one of the roles of the council, have I misunderstood something?


No, you're quite right there :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


Thats something you need to take up with the council and if its true then i would if i were you.


Sadly, it's been well documented.

(As you would imagine it would be if public land was used as a dumping ground)



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The fine should be quadrupled for people who put their dog poo in bags and then hang them on trees/leave them on walls/drop them in areas of natural beauty. I never understand this. If I had a dog (which I really hope i never do but my partner is getting insistent) I'd take a small trowel with me and bury the poo and maybe the dog as well.

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Horse mucks a useable commodity, Cat's tend to either bury it or find long grass.


£80 is way too low to make dog owners clean up after there dog's.


Should be £1000 or dog confiscated and euthanized.


Why cant the mounted division wear horse nappys like they do in the States. I agree they should be forced to clean up after themselves as well. As for cats well we cant stop them and they do bury it.

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Sadly, it's been well documented.

(As you would imagine it would be if public land was used as a dumping ground)




Disgusting. I wonder what scc would do if i decided to do that. I think we all know but i suppose being the council they are above us simple folk. We should just let them get on with it and doff our caps when we pass the town hall as a mark of respect to our superiors.

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I don't see many horses down my way but lots of cats that use the middle of my lawn and the last dog that came visiting left me a pile of the sloppy stuff, i'll take the horse manure any day. animals should have a licence

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I have cats and they are indoor cats for this exact reason. Next doors cat seems to love crapping on and in amongst the stones on the front garden, drives me mad!


Indoor cats, as if that is a natural concept. Would you like to be an indoor human?

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Indoor cats, as if that is a natural concept. Would you like to be an indoor human?


Whats natural? A goldfish in a bowl? A hamster in a cage? If you object to indoor cats then you must object to any animal who lives in captivity. For me indoor cats save on a lot of problems.

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