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School leaving at 14

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I left school in Lancashire in July 1946 when I was 14. I left the school on a Friday and started work in the cotton mills on the Monday don't think that happens these days ha ha


What doesn't 'happen these day's' ? leaving school at 14-no.no. Starting a job three days later- maybe. Lancashire and cotton mills, are there any of those two left?

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I left school on the 9th of April 1952, my birthday was 10th of January 1937 but as we returned to school on the 9th of January I had to carry on until the Easter break, I remember that my mother went to see the headmaster but their was no way the rule could be broken. In later life I met up with a couple of old class mates and when I related this fact to them they howled with laughter.




I don't want to rub-salt-in-the-wound, but my birthday was 7th January, 1937. I was let out of school at the Christmas break and started work on my 15th birthday (7th of January, 1952).



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As I said previously I left school on April 9th 1952. I started work on Thursday April 17th which was because we were paid a full week from Thursday to Wednesday, this was all for the princely sum of £1 10s 10d (£1.54) for 43 and a half hours. I then blessed the extra time at school as a lot of the time I did extra football and swimming lessons and a few errands for the Headmaster so it was pretty cushy.

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