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How could you give up a Dog?


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I am so frustrated right now that I've had to come on here and have a rant about it..


A friend of mine fell on hard times and had to sell her house and move into a flat which wouldn't allow dogs. She had had this dog from a puppy and was now 5yrs old. As I knew this dog from a puppy I felt compelled to help out with re-homing him and as time was running out for my friend to keep him I let him come and live with me for a couple of months whilst searching for a good home.


I am pleased to inform you that I managed to successfully find him a loving family home where he is enjoying his life very much, I still get regular pictures of him sent to me and little stories about his adventures by his new family.


HOWEVER!! I have just found out that I had been lied to.... My friend didn't have to give him up! The flat she moved into did allow dogs but what she neglected to tell me was she was moving in with a new boyfriend who had already got two dogs and they didn't get on with hers!


So... it's safe to say I have told her what my thoughts are and we are currently not speaking (no sleep loss on my part).


I just don't get it! How could you do that? surely, SURELY you would find other accommodation to suit you and your dog! how can anyone have a dog from a puppy and then decide 5yrs on they no longer want that dog?


He's such a beautiful little boy too.. I really am so pleased for him because he looks like he's having a blast and is obviously loved by his new family.


I'm more angry that I have been lied to AND that someone could do that! :rant:

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I 100% agree with you!!


I have always said that if me and my other half split up and I met someone else that didn't like my dog then that would be the end of that!! I wouldn't give my dog up for anyone or anything!!


You have every right to be angry, but at least you know the dog is now happy and having a lovely life and he's far more important than your 'friend'....good on you for getting him that result ?

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I would live in a tent rather than have to rehome my dogs , When i took on my dogs i made a commitment to them for their lives and thats it no i might rehome , If i emigrated

to ;live abroad i would take all my animals with me

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Maybe she didn't like lying to you but if she'd come clean would you have taken the dog in? Personally I would never have let my dog go but maybe she knew you were a person she could trust to look after him and make sure he got a good home which is what you very kindly did. Obviously I don't know your friend, only you can decide her actions and motives

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Maybe she didn't like lying to you but if she'd come clean would you have taken the dog in? Personally I would never have let my dog go but maybe she knew you were a person she could trust to look after him and make sure he got a good home which is what you very kindly did. Obviously I don't know your friend, only you can decide her actions and motives


I am the sort of person that tells it how it is, if she had come clean I would of tried to talk her out of it, try and tell her to really think about it and if she can sleep easy at night giving her little dog up then fine, but if she was adamant about it then yes of course I would of still helped out to rehome him. I'm more inclined to make sure the dog is having a happy life rather than her! she can look after herself!


I just think the lies and the way she went about it was awful but more than that, I just can't imagine giving my dogs away! I just couldn't do it. I've had both from puppies and they are my family. If I lost my house then I would live in my car with my dogs. in fact I'd even consider moving back in with the parents if it got that bad!!! and it would have to be bad.. but I'd still be taking the dogs with me.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 16:30 ----------


I 100% agree with you!!


I have always said that if me and my other half split up and I met someone else that didn't like my dog then that would be the end of that!! I wouldn't give my dog up for anyone or anything!!


You have every right to be angry, but at least you know the dog is now happy and having a lovely life and he's far more important than your 'friend'....good on you for getting him that result ?


He is very happy, he looks healthy and loved by all his new family.


She probably did him a favour! he's probably better off.. I do sometimes think about him though when he first came to mine, he used to cry all the time wondering where she was and why he was in this strange house.


He did get over it though once my springer got hold of him! she cheered him and took his mind off of it.

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Just look on gumtree there are lots of people just getting rid of dogs . I saw a lab pup 4month old same story moving house blah blah no dogs aloud and all that . Went to have a look and they had just had a baby and the pup was not the little Andrex pup they expected she was jumping all over full of energy and nipping because she was teething . And you could tell that was the real reason they was getting rid . Well I bought her , and she is a lovely pup ( now seven months ) she will have a great life with my other lab . But why do people practice having a family first with a dog and then when the baby comes they just get rid of the dog . If you want to practice looking after something buy a bag of flour instead .

Edited by rubydo1
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I am the sort of person that tells it how it is, if she had come clean I would of tried to talk her out of it, try and tell her to really think about it and if she can sleep easy at night giving her little dog up then fine, but if she was adamant about it then yes of course I would of still helped out to rehome him. I'm more inclined to make sure the dog is having a happy life rather than her! she can look after herself!


I just think the lies and the way she went about it was awful but more than that, I just can't imagine giving my dogs away! I just couldn't do it. I've had both from puppies and they are my family. If I lost my house then I would live in my car with my dogs. in fact I'd even consider moving back in with the parents if it got that bad!!! and it would have to be bad.. but I'd still be taking the dogs with me.


Of course it was wrong to lie, but maybe she was not the confrontational type and knew how you would react and try to talk her out of it. I would think it a compliment that she knew she could trust you to take care of him so came to you rather than advertising him for sale and risking somebody unscrupulous getting hold of him. Could you not give her the benefit of the doubt.

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I know I couldn't do it. My dog will be with me for the rest of her life no matter how my circumstances change. I wouldn't dream of ever rehoming her. It's not an option that would ever cross my mind. I'd rather live on the streets with her than in a house without her.

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I don't know how anybody could do it either- I'm putting off moving house to suit my health needs partly because I know I can't afford to move anywhere that has a garden for Molly. I could be rehoused as a priority by the council with my health problems but they won't accommodate the animals and I hope that my degenerative conditions will wait until I either they do not need me to make provision for them or I can make alternative arrangements for them (but this will be a last resort if, and only if, I can't get around my own home in a struggle).

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this sickens me - and Ive worked with someone who 'got rid' of her dog once it reached ten because she didnt want the hassle of dealing with an old dog - she told a pack of pies about having to rehome it because of work commitments but then a few months later she got a pup! grrrr hate these people. I accept the genuine reasons for having to rehome but people who out and out lie about it....


---------- Post added 19-03-2015 at 12:56 ----------


I don't know how anybody could do it either- I'm putting off moving house to suit my health needs partly because I know I can't afford to move anywhere that has a garden for Molly. I could be rehoused as a priority by the council with my health problems but they won't accommodate the animals and I hope that my degenerative conditions will wait until I either they do not need me to make provision for them or I can make alternative arrangements for them (but this will be a last resort if, and only if, I can't get around my own home in a struggle).


that such a shame Medusa, my friend lost her home when her partner upped and left her with a mountain of debt. she was desperate for somewhere she could take her 3 cats and eventually, the council did find her somewhere in S4 with a ground floor access to a garden. It was one of what would originally have been designed for the elderly, no one seemed to want it at the time but its perfect for her.

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