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2015 Budget by Osborne

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More than the entire population of Sheffield by some way. Link here


Not sure what your point is....? Also according to the report only 30% or so of those on zero hours would like to work more hours than they do... so that's just over 200,000 people.in fact it says as much in your link..

Edited by truman
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In which case, they should get on and do it.


They are the Government after all.


Well it takes time to turn around a supertanker but a 40% increase in housing starts and a 23% increase in affordable housing starts suggests that even in very difficult times they did exactly that.


The level of house building in the town where I grew up will see the population double within the next 5 years with new schools too. All built on agricultural green belt. It's happening, just not in Sheffield so much.

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Genuine question..how does that explain the record number of people in work?


Anyone who works even 1 hour a week will be classed as employed, as will all those people on 0 hours who may not work even that. Then there are all the older people who have had to carry on working over 60 (women) and 65 (men) who until very recently would have had to retire.


Also, at the other end of the scale all those kids who would have left school at 16, now have to continue to 18 so won't show up in the unemployment figures.


All smoke and mirrors...

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Anyone who works even 1 hour a week will be classed as employed, as will all those people on 0 hours who may not work even that. Then there are all the older people who have had to carry on working over 60 (women) and 65 (men) who until very recently would have had to retire.


Also, at the other end of the scale all those kids who would have left school at 16, now have to continue to 18 so won't show up in the unemployment figures.


All smoke and mirrors...


Yes, what was it? Stay at school until you pass your exams? Judging by some of the denial comments viewed through rose-tinted spectacles on here some of these happy clappers must be still at school

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Yeah, I've read that one. Ive also read countless articles of various UK species in very steep decline. Building on green belt land won't help any of that - it can't do. I take on board the gist of the article and the leafiest parts of Surrey seem to be trying to hang onto to it like mad only to build a golf course.


But let's say we build more on green field and brown field sites like crazy. That will mean more roads and other infrastructure. And if we get our housing really cheap it could likely attract more people from across Europe and beyond till it hits the tipping point and house prices go up again. So we build more houses etc.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 23:06 ----------



For two more months.


seeing as there is no alternative what so ever , this lot will be having a lot longer than the next two months in No10.

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Debt expected to rise to 81% of GDP, the highest ever, We have a short fall of £41Bn - it seems that everyone has to pull their belt in except the government.


Stop Hs2 and we will be £21BN to the better (HS2 cost 62Bn +), Plebs like me can't afford to catch the train to london now, let alone the extra cost that HS2 will command. It's all very well auctioning off rail Franchises to the highest bidder, but the more a company has to pay, the more they have to charge, Which negates the reason behind the auctions as "Getting the best value" for the general public, we pay either way!


We owe more now! than when these austerity measures started! and thats the way they (politicians) like it, it seems, it keeps us in our place on low wages with the inability to travel. -----On your Bike, looks like it's going to be the only way most of us can travel.


Did I say Plebs, Sorry perhaps I should of said - Descamisado

Edited by Itrytoplease
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2.6% of people on zero hours according to the last survey I read...that means that 97.4% aren't..there have always been self employed people..


---------- Post added 19-03-2015 at 10:16 ----------



Errr suspect it's only one 'cos of NI numbers...you'd use the same one for both jobs..


2.6% is still into the millions..


---------- Post added 19-03-2015 at 18:19 ----------


I think a lot of folk assume those on zero hours contracts are not happy with the arrangement. I know a couple of retired fireman who were put out to grass aged 55. They enjoy liesure activities but also work zero hours contracts for a funeral director. They are only needed as pallbearers when there is a funeral, but rather like the freedom of picking and choosing which days they work.


It works for a few but generally getting less rights and unpredictable working hours only favours employers.

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