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Do you feel pressured to vote for a specific party?

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Over the years I have heard this comment many times: "My Granddad voted Labour, My Dad votes Labour, so I vote Labour". Generally in the media when interviewing members of the general public. I have even heard of people saying if they didn't vote Labour they would be ostracised from their family.


I have not heard of this kind of pressure to vote for any other party, that's not to say it doesn't happen, just that I have not heard of it. I'm not drawing any conclusion from this, just that it seems to me, in my experience, that there is a form of pressure put on some people by members of their families to vote for Labour come election time.


Do you feel pressured to vote for a particular party or do you vote for them because of your family's allegiance?

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I vote based on my perception of where a political parties are likely to lead, but bear in mind that what they say in their manifesto may (a) be what they 'think' the general population wants (based on snap polls), (b) be what they would LIKE to achieve, but know is impossible and © is very likely to be later influenced by events outside of their control. In other words, a 'best guess' decision.

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Over the years I have heard this comment many times: "My Granddad voted Labour, My Dad votes Labour, so I vote Labour". Generally in the media when interviewing members of the general public. I have even heard of people saying if they didn't vote Labour they would be ostracised from their family.


I have not heard of this kind of pressure to vote for any other party, that's not to say it doesn't happen, just that I have not heard of it. I'm not drawing any conclusion from this, just that it seems to me, in my experience, that there is a form of pressure put on some people by members of their families to vote for Labour come election time.


Do you feel pressured to vote for a particular party or do you vote for them because of your family's allegiance?


Nope my dad felt that pressure to vote and thankfully secumbed otherwise he would have voted BNP. However I've always been a floating voter.


Generally I vote for left wing parties with the exception of the PCC elections which I voted Conservative. And last time for the PCC elections I voted UKIP because I was so incensed by labour over the Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal I wanted to make the ultimate protest.

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Nope. My folks used to be Labour, grandfolks Lib Dems.


I voted Tory because he was the only politician in my area that did anything for the constituency. Labour and Lib Dem did nothing until election time then out came the glossy hate campaign and focus only on national issues.

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As has been hinted at here, my problem is not deciding who I want to vote for but deciding who is the least objectional.


Conservatives look to divide and conquer by creating hate and resentment.

Ukip are extreme conservatives.

Labour dont properly do anything for areas that are safe seats knowing they tend to be areas that live in fear of the conservatives getting in again.

The Lib Dems blinked over proportional representation and assisted the conservatives in the divide and conquer campaign.

Im not even sure if there will be a Green option in my area.

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As has been hinted at here, my problem is not deciding who I want to vote for but deciding who is the least objectional.


Conservatives look to divide and conquer by creating hate and resentment.

Ukip are extreme conservatives.

Labour dont properly do anything for areas that are safe seats knowing they tend to be areas that live in fear of the conservatives getting in again.

The Lib Dems blinked over proportional representation and assisted the conservatives in the divide and conquer campaign.

Im not even sure if there will be a Green option in my area.


I'm curious. What do you mean by "blinked" in the bib?

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