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Concerns re:friend becoming homeless, mental and physical health..

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He should go and tell his story to a large daily newspaper, probably not the Mail Group or anything from the Murdoch empire


Not necessarily though depends on why he was sanctioned. If it was something he could have avoided ie not turning up to the job centre on time or looking for work. They probably wont touch that story with a barge poll.

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It's sounds as though he is very lucky to have you. I would recommend calling the Homeless Advice Line as all Homeless assessments are done over the phone now, so he wouldn't need to go into Howden House. They request some ID/ proof of benefit from him but a friend could submit that on his behalf. Unfortunately though, it sounds as if your friend won't get too far until he starts helping himself. He needs to go to the GP. I would also strongly recommend that he attends the Shelter Drop In session on a Wednesday between 11am and 1pm. They will be able to offer support and assist him with his homeless application with the council. Shelters office is on Furnival Gate.


Hope that helps a little.

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Just take notice of the helpful posts on here and ignore the ones that have turned it into a campaign against the benefits system. Don't think your friend is well enough to battle for anybody not even himself. Just concentrate on getting him medical help

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Hopefully Shelter can sort something out before it's too late - it might be useful to talk to them about "floating support" ie getting someone to come to his house regularly to help him sort out benefit claims, bills, rent arrears, help him keep GP appointments etc. From my experience the council & courts have tended to look more favouably at people who've gone down this path.


The problem is that there are so many in a similar situation the system can't cope.


Remember all those people supposed to be getting 'care in the community' (and would have been in residential mental health hospitals at one time,) are now out there having to cope as though they are fully capable adults, in a hostile system that is designed to make itself deliberately difficult to access and navigate.


Mental health problems are at an all time high when mental health services are being cut to the bone. Situations such as the one the OP illustrates are not a rarity and are becoming all too common. A few months in the system are enough to drive anyone insane

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I have to say that although your response is what should happen i have experienced a sanction for myself i'm nearly 3 months later after numerous a telephone calls and letters sent to the dwp i still have not received the proper information for myself to appeal a sanction decision deliberately they foil any attempts at every turn saying they have lost the letters requesting the information or when you doing you getting through to the computer voice and you have to wait for 10 minutes and then they cut you off i tell you the dwp sanction in is a real farce and in the meantime they leave you destitute if it was not for the council still paying housing benefit in the three months i would have been homeless


My best advice to you is to go and see the folks at Shelter and that you should do so as soon as possible.


People seem to forget that most of the people employed by the DWP that have contact with the public or supervise those that do are apparently callous unfeeling operatives ( I wont call them people and I shall not question the marital atatus of their parents) that care not for the people they rather mockingly call clients.


We employ the state and let it do as it pleases. Why?



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Lol Write to my MP.


But yeah the system can be heinous and punitive towards those most vulnerable. A mass peaceful disobedience type revlution is the answer IMO.


---------- Post added 20-03-2015 at 23:34 ----------



Not offended and thanks for the kind offer but we're cooking him healthy stew portions to microwave and trying to limit his alcohol intake.


And like any system you know well, you take advantage of it and use it as you see fit.


Funny, I never have :(

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Lol Write to my MP.


But yeah the system can be heinous and punitive towards those most vulnerable. A mass peaceful disobedience type revlution is the answer IMO.


---------- Post added 20-03-2015 at 23:34 ----------



Not offended and thanks for the kind offer but we're cooking him healthy stew portions to microwave and trying to limit his alcohol intake.


And like any system you know well, you take advantage of it and use it as you see fit.

That's part of the problem,too many people knowing how to play the system as you call it,and taking advantage.

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  • 5 weeks later...
That's part of the problem,too many people knowing how to play the system as you call it,and taking advantage.


No we're part of the solution, not the problem. We're enabling people to defend themselves against these parasitic bureaucrats and live a basic healthy life. The UK drasticly needs more people who know to play the system, not less.


---------- Post added 23-04-2015 at 06:00 ----------


Funny, I never have :(


Well you should, we teach people how to play the system correctly. So PM me or ask on this thread if you, or anyone you know wants or needs to.

Edited by gwhite78
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Hi firstly i would like to say to OP well done ,you are this guys lifeline , but he needs help with the alcohol asap he is in a spiral downwards , alcohol leads to further mental health problems (i speak as a dry alcoholic ) .

Has he recieved thiamine and vitamin b strong ? he may be in a form of dementia brought on by alcohol abuse , then the alcohol will cause depression and round and round we go :(

Good news is as soon as he is dry and getting thiamine and vit b things will start to improve rapidly .

Anti depressants will also work then,as it is pointless taking them if you are drinking as they dont work !

does he need a detox ? that depends on how much he is drinking a day . if he can go 3 days without a drink he doesnt .

Feel free to pm me for any advice as it often helps having someone who has been there so to speak .

Edited by kingdom
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No we're part of the solution, not the problem. We're enabling people to defend themselves against these parasitic bureaucrats and live a basic healthy life. The UK drasticly needs more people who know to play the system, not less.


---------- Post added 23-04-2015 at 06:00 ----------



Well you should, we teach people how to play the system correctly. So PM me or ask on this thread if you, or anyone you know wants or needs to.


I prefer to depend on myself rather than 'play' any system.

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