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Are the British prudish about sex?

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Because we expect higher standards of behaviour from people in positions of authority than we do from the average employee?


I would be unhappy to learn that one of my child's teachers had been accessing pornography at lunchtime...wouldn't you?


I would be unhappy if they was viewing porn whilst sat in the classroom with my children, but at lunch time they can do what they want providing that it's legal and doesn't adversely affect their ability to teach or cost the tax payer money.

Edited by loraward
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I would be unhappy to learn that one of my child's teachers had been accessing pornography at lunchtime...wouldn't you?


Would it be ok if they nipped home for a quicky with their husband; or even their bit on the side.

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I would be unhappy if they was viewing porn whilst sat in the classroom with my children, but at lunch time they can do what they want providing that it's legal and doesn't adversely affect their ability to teach or cost the tax payer money.


Would you be happy if your premise was reciprocated by children watching porn at lunch time, or does legality define what is right or wrong reciprocally?

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My first job in the 80's was working on a production platform in the North Sea. As soon as you got on deck the TV for screening the safety briefs was used in between to screen porn.

Using facilities provided by the tax payer to do so is a misuse of funds but getting the sack for it is draconian. It will only come back to hurt the employers as the UK is building up a cancer of resentment as it is.

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Would you be happy if your premise was reciprocated by children watching porn at lunch time, or does legality define what is right or wrong reciprocally?


With kids from 5 years old having their own mobile phone, some might well have access to porn 24/7.

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Perhaps. It depends on the workplace. There's no bar on reading p3 of the Sun at work, is there?


Not on your own time, bought with your own money.


It's a bit different if you're using company supplied IT equipment though isn't it.


Most places would sack someone for looking at porn on the work computer, not all, but most.

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