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UKIP on the fiddle

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They're all the same. Lib Dems at it again today with dodgy financiers... Cons at it the other day with Michael Green or another made up name... he's their chairman and a liar. None of the parties can claim the moral high ground because they all have dodgy officials. Look at Rotherham, Westminster Cyril Smith issue and many other, too many to mention.


I will vote for the party who's policies I agree with the most, knowing that some of this party will let me down.

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There is a slight difference (And no, I am not condoning what was alleged to have happened within the LibDems.) The difference is in the date, 2008 is when allegedly the LibDems were told to be 'creative' that is a full year before the MP expenses scandal blew up.


Your beloved UKIP lassy still does it 6 years AFTER it was made pretty clear this was not on. the LibDems might have been on the fiddle, but UKIP are not only that, they are also incredibly dumb by the look of things.


Seems the libdums are just as dumb, and they've been at it longer,


"Liberal Democrats and Nick Clegg in new party fundraising scandal"



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