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Benefit sanctions evidence

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Just how much money do you think someone living on benefits has to spend on sky, beer and cigarettes?


There are online calculators that will let you have a play, create a scenario, see how much they get. Then compare it to your own expenditure and see if they really are living the life of riley.


I entered information on entitledto.co.uk for a single parent with 2 pre-school kids. It says my hypothetical single parent is entitled to rent+£225/week.

That buys a lot of sky, beer and cigarettes.


Didn't think I'd actually do it did you?


Edit: I overestimated the rent (according to my survey of local housing costs). Now comes out as rent(£100)+£243/week. I'll advise my imaginary single parent that they can get the full sky sports package now. They'll be chuffed as sitting on your arse all day can get boring.

Edited by unbeliever
overestimated the rent
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I entered information on entitledto.co.uk for a single parent with 2 pre-school kids. It says my hypothetical single parent is entitled to rent+£225/week.

That buys a lot of sky, beer and cigarettes.


Didn't think I'd actually do it did you?


:hihi::hihi: Yooz two. Clash of the Titans.

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There's nothing to stop those on benefits cutting down on the beer, fags and sky tv a bit so that they can put something aside in case they get sanctioned.


Except for those on benefits who don't use beer, cigarettes or Sky.


---------- Post added 14-07-2015 at 11:01 ----------


I am very confused about the debate over benefit sanctions. If you read what the tories and the right wing press state. Its that sanctions are only a last resort and are fair.


If however you listen to the left they say they are being used to penalise the unemployed and are being used unfairly.


However there is no evidence of either. The job centres quite rightly wont give out personal information so the only time we know there is a problem when someone winges and complains.


Are benefit sanctions being used unfairly? I dont know since I've not signed on in years I just dont know. What do people think? Is there examples of them not being used fairly?

Here's a bit of evidence- actual stats from the DWP themselves, freedom of information request forcing them the admit the truth.




showing that almost 1 in 5 of all benefits claiments where sanctioned between 2007-2012.


Can anyone here really believe that 1 in 5 of all benefits claiments deserved sanctioning?

Edited by onewheeldave
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Here's a bit of evidence- actual stats from the DWP themselves, freedom of information request forcing them the admit the truth.




showing that almost 1 in 5 of all benefits claiments where sanctioned between 2007-2012.


Can anyone here really believe that 1 in 5 of all benefits claiments deserved sanctioning?


Sounds quite plausible to me. I think the most common reason for sanctioning is failure to do enough to find work.


---------- Post added 14-07-2015 at 11:15 ----------


Except for those on benefits who don't use beer, cigarettes or Sky.


Benefits are clearly covering more than just the basic essentials. See post 171.

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I signed on for the first time over a year ago. I had worked for over 20 years and was made surpless to requirements. Not fully understanding the rules I made a simple mistake and was sanctioned for 3 months( still had to sign on during that). I was livid and tried to appeal, speak to someone etc. My Job centre mentor was rude, unhelpful and spoke to me like I was stupid. In the end I decided to go self employed as I would've probably lost it completely having to sign on and turn up for stupid DWP interviews. They were on my case as soon as I signed on. I could understand the need to get me motivated if I'd been signing on 10 years but this was 3 weeks. I've paid my stamp and should be entitled to some of it back. I have 3 kids, bills, mortgage etc and no JSA. If I hadn't had any savings, I've no idea what I would've done. I didn't qualify for an emergency loan or for them to reconsider the sanction. They refused point blank.I wouldn't wish this experience on my worst enemy. At the moment there is a case in court demanding the number of deaths to be revealed under benefit sanctions using the freedom of information act. The DWP are fighting this tooth and nail.

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I signed on for the first time over a year ago. I had worked for over 20 years and was made surpless to requirements. Not fully understanding the rules I made a simple mistake and was sanctioned for 3 months( still had to sign on during that). I was livid and tried to appeal, speak to someone etc. My Job centre mentor was rude, unhelpful and spoke to me like I was stupid. In the end I decided to go self employed as I would've probably lost it completely having to sign on and turn up for stupid DWP interviews. They were on my case as soon as I signed on. I could understand the need to get me motivated if I'd been signing on 10 years but this was 3 weeks. I've paid my stamp and should be entitled to some of it back. I have 3 kids, bills, mortgage etc and no JSA. If I hadn't had any savings, I've no idea what I would've done. I didn't qualify for an emergency loan or for them to reconsider the sanction. They refused point blank.I wouldn't wish this experience on my worst enemy. At the moment there is a case in court demanding the number of deaths to be revealed under benefit sanctions using the freedom of information act. The DWP are fighting this tooth and nail.


I understand where you are coming from ,and you are saw right some people have taken there own life it's saw sad..you know what ****** me off it that people on here ( not all) haven't got a clue ..some retards go on TV smoke/ drink/ steal and portray what they do in the life and everyone on benefits gets tard with the same brush..do me a favour some of you change the record I'm bored of listening to it...don't get me wrong the government made it easy for people to stay on benefits times are changing..touch lessons need to be learned. The system is not working and the people who need it the most are failed mistakes are made, something has to change

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I signed on for the first time over a year ago. I had worked for over 20 years and was made surpless to requirements. Not fully understanding the rules I made a simple mistake and was sanctioned for 3 months( still had to sign on during that). I was livid and tried to appeal, speak to someone etc. My Job centre mentor was rude, unhelpful and spoke to me like I was stupid. In the end I decided to go self employed as I would've probably lost it completely having to sign on and turn up for stupid DWP interviews. They were on my case as soon as I signed on. I could understand the need to get me motivated if I'd been signing on 10 years but this was 3 weeks. I've paid my stamp and should be entitled to some of it back. I have 3 kids, bills, mortgage etc and no JSA. If I hadn't had any savings, I've no idea what I would've done. I didn't qualify for an emergency loan or for them to reconsider the sanction. They refused point blank.I wouldn't wish this experience on my worst enemy. At the moment there is a case in court demanding the number of deaths to be revealed under benefit sanctions using the freedom of information act. The DWP are fighting this tooth and nail.


Thankyou for sharing that. I've said it many times on here, that you have to experience what's going on personally, to believe it. (Your average person has no idea..) Talk about kicking a man when he's down. And they don't seem to realise how hard they are making it for people to pick themselves up again.


Thank goodness you have savings. No wonder so many people who haven't are overwhelmed and crippled by depression.


Well done in your decision to go self employed. I do so hope it works out for you. Good luck.

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Thankyou for sharing that. I've said it many times on here, that you have to experience what's going on personally, to believe it. (Your average person has no idea..) Talk about kicking a man when he's down. And they don't seem to realise how hard they are making it for people to pick themselves up again.


Thank goodness you have savings. No wonder so many people who haven't are overwhelmed and crippled by depression.


Well done in your decision to go self employed. I do so hope it works out for you. Good luck.

until the people on here experience signing on they can talk as much bullcrap as they like. what gets me here is look how the greeks/French etc kick up when they don't agree with the government and what do we do roll over and let the gov do what they want :loopy:. the last time we kicked off(poll tax )the gov sooned changed their tune. wheres the british fight gone from the people?

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Save and invest your money when you are working, then you have no reason to resort to signing on when in between jobs. Too many people spend their money on expensive foreign holidays and subscription TV and then complain about having no money when things go bad. I for one have no sympathy.

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