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Are you a Sheddie or a Surfer?

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Was just wondering. I've always done "hands on" type jobs and when not at work have a bit of a limited attention span with TV. Thus I'm often decorating or doing stuff in the shed and suchlike. My other half refers to this as "pottering" which I strongly refute, mainly because it makes me sound like an old fart. I know this isn't just a white/blue collar type divide cos I have mates in engineering and construction who are highly skilled at their jobs but who refuse to do owt except watch telly when not at work. So I was just curious what other people on here get up to. Knitting, DIY, home taxidermy, or are you happy enough with a screen? Not intending to be judgemental at all, was just wondering if I'm the only one who goes to bed having made a garden bench or summat that I'd no idea I was going to do that morning.

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Was just wondering. I've always done "hands on" type jobs and when not at work have a bit of a limited attention span with TV. Thus I'm often decorating or doing stuff in the shed and suchlike. My other half refers to this as "pottering" which I strongly refute, mainly because it makes me sound like an old fart. I know this isn't just a white/blue collar type divide cos I have mates in engineering and construction who are highly skilled at their jobs but who refuse to do owt except watch telly when not at work. So I was just curious what other people on here get up to. Knitting, DIY, home taxidermy, or are you happy enough with a screen? Not intending to be judgemental at all, was just wondering if I'm the only one who goes to bed having made a garden bench or summat that I'd no idea I was going to do that morning.


I pretty much refuse to do any DIY anymore. I did quite a bit on my previous house, but these days I find it makes far more sense to pay someone to do it.

Frankly, I'd rather spend a Saturday in the office and pay someone to do the DIY quickly and to a high standard, than spend Sat and Sun, doing it to an acceptable standard myself.


What I actually do with my free time is not DIY, and doesn't involve that much TV. There are plenty of other options.

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When I wasn't posting here I was working on my PhD, now that I've submitted that I will be back to the neglected DIY jobs, that and online gaming. I don't watch TV more than a couple of hours a day at most, usually only half an hour of news around dinner time.


Also just started to read the Game of Thrones massiveology, that should keep me busy!

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