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Does anyone know of any kittens looking for a home?


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Don't think Chez was intending to cause trouble, she was giving you options to pass on to your friend and TBH if the rescue centres have concerns then maybe you should take this on board. Cats live a long time, one of mine is 19, it's a big commitment

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Don't think Chez was intending to cause trouble, she was giving you options to pass on to your friend and TBH if the rescue centres have concerns then maybe you should take this on board. Cats live a long time, one of mine is 19, it's a big commitment


My friend knows exactly what a commitment a cat is she had one that sadly died just before Christmas due to old age which has had a knock on effect to her 8 year old which is why she's said her daughter can pick a kitten of her own.

Also the reason the rescues have said no was down to her 2 year old been under 5, regardless of the fact my friend would not let the 2 year old hurt or miss treat the cat in anyway or the fact that the 2 year old is very good with them and doesn't pull them about etc.



The sheer fact my friends happy to wait if the kittens are not even born yet is an indication that this is not a spare of the moment kitten nor one that's she's going to rush into getting just for a kitten.

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Don't think Chez was intending to cause trouble, she was giving you options to pass on to your friend and TBH if the rescue centres have concerns then maybe you should take this on board. Cats live a long time, one of mine is 19, it's a big commitment


Thanks denlin, you got it spot on. I was trying to help but some people don't want to be helped and fail to see reason. If the attitude of the op is same as her friend then I can see why they have been refused.


Another point I want to make is that autistic people like routine so its extremely unlikely the autistic child would go to the vets with the cat.


People do make mistakes when sexing kittens too. I can't remember which of our female cats we thought were male. The mistakes are usually the other way around. It was either our third or fourth cat that kept its masculine name even though it was female. One was an unwanted kitten, the owner looked well off , big fancy house but hadn't bothered to spay her cat. I was young at the time and didn't think much of it and the kitten looked healthy enough. When we took the kitten home we found it was riddled with worms. It kept coughing up or vomiting worms. It took us several doses to get rid of the worms. I would only buy from a reputable breeder or get one from a rescue after that incident.


The cats were called Henry and Percy but I seemed to remember them being spayed not neutered so they must have been female. Its such a long time ago now I can't remember.

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Thanks denlin, you got it spot on. I was trying to help but some people don't want to be helped and fail to see reason. If the attitude of the op is same as her friend then I can see why they have been refused.


Another point I want to make is that autistic people like routine so its extremely unlikely the autistic child would go to the vets with the cat.


People do make mistakes when sexing kittens too. I can't remember which of our female cats we thought were male. The mistakes are usually the other way around. It was either our third or fourth cat that kept its masculine name even though it was female. One was an unwanted kitten, the owner looked well off , big fancy house but hadn't bothered to spay her cat. I was young at the time and didn't think much of it and the kitten looked healthy enough. When we took the kitten home we found it was riddled with worms. It kept coughing up or vomiting worms. It took us several doses to get rid of the worms. I would only buy from a reputable breeder or get one from a rescue after that incident.


The cats were called Henry and Percy but I seemed to remember them being spayed not neutered so they must have been female. Its such a long time ago now I can't remember.



Well personally you came across as a busy body, your first comment was fine it was the second that came across like you wanted to course trouble.if the child wasn't autistic i really don't think the sex would have been an issue. Her last cat was a rescue cat and her first place to look for a kitten was rescues again but due to her youngest age it was not possible.


Also autistic children don't just feed off routine but can also obsess over things and as this would be her kitten this has a high possibility of happening so yes she is likely to go to vet appointments.

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