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The damage done - your worst teacher.

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Latin Teacher - If a child misbehaved he was made to sit under the desk at the teacher's feet. If said child moved or made a noise he was kicked.

Gym Teacher - Freely used the leather bound end of the climbing ropes to beat children on the backside.

Maths Teacher - A genuinely nice bloke if you were on his right side. Would routinely move children around by grasping the hair at their temple and pulling upwards.

History Teacher - Sadist and oddball. Had the sole of a size 12 plimsole kept in his briefcase. This was used on the backside of any child who offended him and any minor way. The beating would continue until the child howled, whether that took 6 or 20 "of the best"

Scripture Teacher - Eventually sacked for alledgedly interfearing with small boys.

I could go on but see no point.

These teachers were a sign of the times and the personalities that teaching used to attract. Thankfully these times and attitudes are now past and we, as a society, have decided that this level of brutal bullying by teachers should be consigned to the same history books as child labour.

The school I refer to I will not identify as it is still highly regarded and still (as then) produces excellent acamademic results.

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We had a fair mix of teachers at our school. I think all demanded respect - unfortunately few returned it to the pupils. A variety of weapons were used to keep us in order and included assorted canes, oversized slippers, wooden dowel and one teacher used a bunch of keys to hit you with :loopy: The woodwork teacher made himself the 'sole of a slipper' which was shaped from a piece of ply.


During one games lesson in the school yard, a particularly sadistic teacher thought it would be fun to throw a ball at me as hard as he could. Admittedly I did say "bl**dy h**l", more out of shock than anything. My punishment was being hit by him with a cricket bat. Forty something years on and I still hate the b****rd.


On a brighter note, some teachers did only punish you when it was deserved, ie when you didn't obey the 'rules'. Unfortunately the punishment was often excessive. The thing is, in those days, we seemed to accept our punishment. Maybe not willingly, but we didn't moan too much about it either. However, on occasions I did seek retribution. For example, the English teacher was fond of growing plants from seed and cuttings which he grew on the window ledge. As my punishment to him I took some weed killer and poured it on all the plants. Needless to say he was absolutely furious.

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All this nostalgia for yer schooldays. Thought you'd therefore enjoy a brand new website which has given me such a laugh. http://www.evildetentions.co.uk. It needs spell checking still - that's how new it is, only started in March. But it's absolutely brilliant and has had 55,000 hits already! If you've a friend or relative who's a teacher, introduce them to it. It'll cheer them up, especially on those days when the little b.....ds ain't learnt nuffink. (An afterthought - do you think this generation of kids is making teachers suffer for what was done to their parents and grandparents by a few sadists?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember a teacher at Southey School dragging me around the classroom by the hair and smashing my head into the cupboards as we went along all because I hadnt made a perfectly straight margin on my page before starting my work.

God knows how these people get their jobs.

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  • 1 year later...

I went to Colley Road school 1951- 1952 and remember the woodwork teacher, a Mr Lindley or Lynley. He was a big ignorant buffalo and had a habit of going around and smacking pupils on the ear from behind. He had a thing going for a gym teacher who was a stone fox if I remember.

Another at the same school was an American or a Canadian or at least talked like one or the other. Used to give us propaganda lessons on the atrocities committed by American soldiers in Korea. Political indoctrination wasn't on the school curriculum either.

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I was lucky enough never to have a really bad teacher myself - but have listened on many occasion to the stories of my auntie who went to school in the 40's. One teacher in particular 'picked' on her constantly just because she had bright red hair that was very curly (like she could help that!) Every day when she turned up for school she was told to get something done with that hair and don't come tomorrow with it in curls! Every morning she would wet her hair through to flatten it but of course by the time she had walked to school it had dried and had turned into a bright red bush! The said teacher was a well known one in one of the Pitsmoor schools and she's been mentioned more than once on this forum. Unfortunately she's remembered for all the wrong reasons - she put the fear of god into many a Pitsmoor child!

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My first ever teacher, Mrs C*r**ell, was the one that did me the most damage.

The bad tempered old bag ruined my first days at school and put me off for the rest of my school life.

I hope the old tart dies/died a nasty death.


Not that I hold a grudge you understand. :D

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Yep some really nasty barstools around. Some of the things that I have read here are completely out-of-order & I would never condone physical punishments or really humiliating exercises on pupils/students.....

but now it's swung completely the other way and teachers are completely powerless.

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