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The damage done - your worst teacher.

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My maths teacher at All Saints many years ago told my parents on one particularly well received parents evening that I had burnt out at O level (yes that long ago!) and only passed them because he pulled me through and I would never get an A level and should give up now. Oh and as an aside that the good marks I was getting on my work was obviously because someone was doing the work for me. Luckily none of this stopped me getting a PhD in structural biology!!!

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Having just caught up with this thread I wish to put in my two penn'uth. I went to Burngreave Secondary Modern in the 50's. On the teachers side of things they did have to put up with trying to teach 40+ kids so some sort of displine was required, although by today's standards fairly over the top. With that number of students, no doubt some did miss out through lack of attention. One or two teachers although very strict and used the cane very sparingly were absolute success's as far as pupil interaction. Two others which come to mind were the opposite. One a Mr. Guyler (and I don't apologies for naming him although he has probably passed away now) was very sadistic and ruled with the cane to the point where he asked a general geography question and then went around the room seeking the answer. If you didn't know or gave the wong answer then it was a stroke of cane across the fingers. No one in the class knew the answer so everyone was caned. Need I say more about his teaching methods. He did get success though as the class average for maths was quite a lot higher than previous years obviously gained by fear. The second teacher was the music teacher, I liked him but because I could sing he like me, need I say more. One singing lesson he was walking around listening to each pupil in turn, one particular boy, who happened to be school captain, could not sing in tune at all. So the teacher cracked him across the shoulder blades with the cane and told him to sing in tune. The boy leapt up from his desk and grabed the cane, snap it in half and said don't ever hit me again. The teacher was totaly startled and never said a word to him. I like to think that he had realised he had gone over the top.

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The maths teacher I had at King Teds was a shocker.He would get you to the front of the class ,even for doing something trivial,tell you to 'Bow to Mecca' i.e. the bookshelf,and give you a few strokes with a broken pair of washing machine calipers.I always said I would get revenge on Pr***y when I left school in 1979;I'm still waiting.....:rant:

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There was a teacher at Wisewood Primary in the 80's who would chase the naughty children round the classroom and then thump them.


I was in his class for a year and was petrified of him, but I darent tell people what he had done for fear of it happening to me. He was awful, I think he eventually got the sack - to this day I dont know if anybody spoke out to the headteacher about him.


One day I got called into the headmasters office, Mr F, and asked why I was getting so upset before I went to school, as my mum had rung the school to tell them there was a problem - I didnt tell him and now I look back and wish that I had said something.

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1954/58 Grange Grammar School for girls. The french teacher was also my form mistress and made my life a misery because I came from Manor Park and not Totley.

Didn't matter that I was there on merit having passed my 11 plus.

As old as I am I wouldn't give that woman a drink in the desert.

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Sadistic teachers are one of the main reasons why I left school at 15 and a half without taking any exams. I was thoroughly pee'd off with receiving regular and indiscriminate beatings for things like sneezing during lectures, wearing non-uniform footwear, untidy writing and not having the correct PE clobber.


I sincerely hope that these sadistic teachers, if not dead yet, are suffering terribly throughout their retirements at the hands of today's feral youth. Poetic justice I would think. :thumbsup:


Go get the evil old gits kids!!

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