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The damage done - your worst teacher.

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I went to High Storrs Grammar (Boys), '54/'61. I took my quota of the gym slipper on the backside punishment. It was routine in those days. I bear no malice to most of the perpetrators, because it was carried out without malice. But, the gym teacher was the exception and I loathed him. He favored the athletically-minded kids, who seemed to like him. But, he picked on the rest of us, using tactics such as blowing cigarette smoke (he was a chain smoker, this gym teacher)in our faces, scratching out a game of "noughts and crosses" with his finger nails on our bare chests, and flicking his key chain at us. He was also the late for school disciplinarian. One day I was late because I waited for my girl friend who was on the next bus. When he asked me why I was late, I said I'd missed the bus, to which he yelled "Liar," and punched me in the face giving me a black eye. He was the one bad apple in what was otherwise a very good barrel. They say not to speak ill of the dead, so I'll just wish him R.I.P.

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  • 1 year later...

AT LAST MY TURN. after reading all the posts on this thread i will tell you who was the worst by far.he was an EVIL,SHORTARSED little B@:%*RD who must have had gestapo blood in his veins PURE EVIL!!! YES! COME ON DOWN !!FROM ECCLESFIELD COMPREHENSIVE !!ITS MR OGGY[THE B"$&^*D] JENNET. r.i.p my arse, piece of worm ridden filth..

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Our year had a form teacher called Mr Saddler. One day in class he burst through the door, grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the room. Back in his office he proceeded to scream at me 'where's xxxxxxxxx pencil case' 'WHERE'S XXXXXXXXXX PENCIL CASE?!?'


I didn't have a clue what the hell he was banging on about as i stood in the corner. Here is this fully grown adult screaming blue murder at me for no reason for what seemed like eternity. Finally the deputy head who was in the classroom next to the office came in and literally ripped in to Mr Saddler in front of me for what he was doing. I was sent back to my class while they had a 'chat'.


I got back to the class and said pencil case had been found in my absence :rolleyes:


I can't remember seeing Mr Saddler ever again at school. I dont think he was punished for what he did. I think i just shut him out.

I found out later that my older brother had been a total pain in the arse for him (i admit he was worse than any other kid i know), and this might have been the only reason he needed to kick off.


That was probably the worst day i ever had at school when growing up. I wish i could bump in to him now.

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Had a few, infact there are few I respect. I remember one who was an absolute joke, she once got drunk and admitted she was so evil to evryone because her husband ran away with a pupil, she got fired years later for being an alcoholic and locking her dog in a school cupboard :suspect: I never actually had to many run ins with her just observed a bit bemused.

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My chemistry teacher told me at the beginning of my A levels that I would never amount to anything and should give up on my education now and get a job stacking shelves at tescos.

It was incredibly satisfying to go back with my younger brother 7 years later to pick up his exam results and tell the teacher about my BSc in genetics, my masters and my Phd in molecular oncology, and to point out that, in the case of the work I do...those who can do and those who cant teach! never seen him lost for words before !

How did you do in chemistry? - what would have prompted such confidence sapping comments? Seems you've done ok since? Can't agree about your comment about those who 'can' don't teach. There are some brill teachers in my opinion - modern methods seem to keep the real cases at bay but you'll still come up against some round pegs in square holes anywhere - bet you come up against the odd 'oddity' in your chosen profession - possibly incompetent rather than loopy and stressed? They're 'protected' 'til the balloon goes up - same in many professions whether medical, legal, teaching, - even the armed forces! I reckon a good teacher has more opportunity to influence and improve society than any other profession so they have to be good or moved on! That's bearing in mind the seemingly ever increasing poor quality youngsters they are dealing with on a daily basis! Wonder if most of 'em would have preferred to have taught at the time most posters' are referring to above without the masses of ferrel (outside school) and disruptive (in school) kids of today?

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I didn't mention PE in my original posting. How about this for a memory jogger; the immortal phrase 'Last one out of the gym gets a hair pull'. It didn't matter you stood in that line we were subjected to being pulled on to tip toe by those strands of hair below the temple. Oh, such good clean fun. I think Himmler was ana dversary of that particular one. And then there's the size 13 slipper that was kept in the PE office and liberally used.:banana:


Did you go to High Storrs Grammar 50s/60s too Owethem nowt?

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Mod note: Please don't identify people on this thread. It could get you into all sorts of trouble. I've removed a few posts to protect people from themselves.


Now that's strange Tony, there is a Frecheville school thread where sadistic teachers were named and shamed without any health warning being given. :confused:

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