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The damage done - your worst teacher.

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My favourite teacher became the one I hated the most when he caned me for chewing gum in the gymnasium. what a crime!


I remember we had a sadistic chemistry teacher who frightened the bejesus out of everyone but was strangely attractive, I loved him too until he burnt my exercise book over a bunsen burner because I dared to talk at the same time as him.


The maths teacher liked to throw people over desks and there were others with a similar personality, but despite it all I think I have turned out ok!

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You didnt like him then?

AT LAST MY TURN. after reading all the posts on this thread i will tell you who was the worst by far.he was an EVIL,SHORTARSED little B@:%*RD who must have had gestapo blood in his veins PURE EVIL!!! YES! COME ON DOWN !!FROM ECCLESFIELD COMPREHENSIVE !!ITS MR OGGY[THE B"$&^*D] JENNET. r.i.p my arse, piece of worm ridden filth..
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Way back in 1959 at Hatfield House Lane School, we had a maths teacher who's nickname was "Chalkey", can't say what his surname was ;), who used to take great delight in reducing two girls in our class to tears at every lesson. I hated the way he picked on them. Most of the other kids laughed though - I suppose out of relief he wasn't picking on them.

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Not sure about the worst teacher but we had a teacher who should have visited the fashion police before embarking on a teaching career. He used to wear a sports coat and trousers that did not match as well as shirts and ties that didn't match either

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  • 2 weeks later...

not one mention of Shirecliffe school. I went 60 to 64 headmaster Eric Robinson a 6foot six Bully,Herman Green [Algibra] x = y l d or whatever [i use this stuff every day ] he was an old Bully too,some decent teachers though,Miss Tippet she had a lovely chest,and a few more, I was really glad to leave in 64,I was over the meadows colecting scrap on leaving day, as school leavers had to shake the heads hand [NO WAY ]

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I remember being smacked across the face for getting a sum wrong,this was at a private school in the early fifties.I told my mother but it never occurred to her to complain.It makes me sick when I hear people of my generation saying that teachers should still be allowed to hit children.:mad:

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Before going to Abbeydale grange in the 2nd year i spent the first year at silverdale school........ Mrs bulledin???? or something like that...what a cow, she was so nasty to me, i swear i left mainly cos of her!!! I think at the time i said that i just hated the school but now im a grown up i think it was her, she was my form teacher aswell as my maths teacher and i was crap at maths so instead of trying to teach it to me, she screamed it at me most days.... I wonder if she still thinks this technique works, im still struggeling with maths and will be forever now that she has made my brain think that maths=pure fear, i wouldnt hesitate to have a word in her nasty little ear if i ever saw her.... even though shed be about 164 by now!!!!!!!!!! I HATED HER..... I think im over it now, cheers whoever started this thread!

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Hi a bit of a long shot

Ihave just found this site and have come accross burnegreave school and Iwonder if

FALLS DATED April 2006


are still around

Iwas at this schoool sept 47 to july 51 spent 2 years with Mr Holden in B steam

Iam still in touch with Michael Rose and Brian Fox and Malcolm Taylor

Hope this might leed to hearing from one of you

John Dickinson lived at Firth Park

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