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TV adverts and being mugged

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Just watching the TV adverts and it left me thinking, are people seriously taken in by all the guff they spout? If people are stupid enough to believe what they see and hear on adverts and it must be working because they wouldn't bother otherwise, it probably helps to explain why the UK is in such a mess

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I think there has always been a disconnect between the public and adverts. In the 1950s & 60s they depicted what the advertisers thought was the perfect family with perfect lives and perfect children.

Today advertisers tend to portray people in their 20s - 40s, with seemingly perfect lives, presumably this demographic have the most spending power which is who they're aimed at.

I don't know if this demographic identifies with the people portrayed in the adverts, I certainly don't.

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Just watching the TV adverts and it left me thinking, are people seriously taken in by all the guff they spout?
By and large, no: modern TV advertising is simply about drumming and up-keeping brand placement in consumers' minds, it's not meant to be about information/comparison/convincing.


That's why most audience marketing tests focus on identifying the recalled aspects rather than the message/contents: most people likely won't remember the Intel TV ads of old in detail...but I'm sure most can still picture the Intel-in-a-loop logo (if not its 'zooming' animation in the ad) and I'm certain more still easily recall the short trademark Intel ding-ding-ding-ding tune.


That's what TV advertising is all about: making a lasting impression and keeping it up.

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Advertising ,no matter what you believe has an impact on everyone whether you understand the message or not.Recently I questioned something that I had done all my life.In this instance it is to do with tooth paste.I think the very first advertisement in the UK was for SR toothpaste , and from the initial filming , the tooth brush is always shown as having paste on the full length of the bristles.I realise this sounds sad but just stick with me on this.I have always covered the entire brush with paste.

My other half asked me why did I fill the entire brush when it is only necessary to just put a spot of paste .My reply was I thought that was the amount required.I had never thought of this as being incorrect.The second thing is that I have recently changed my brand of toothpaste ,and the reason being FLUORIDE.Again ,advertisements have stated ,buy such a brand because it has added or extra Fluoride.OK there are different schools of thought on Fluoride but I was amazed at what I found out regarding Fluoride, and wish that I had been given enough information to decide on its use.


Now the point of this protracted comment is that I for one never questioned the amount of paste that I should put on my brush( greater use and more frequent purchase equals better sales/profit) I for one have never questioned the necessity of Fluoride,which if you were not aware is a TOXIN.

So again my point is that advertising does have an impact on everyone

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Just watching the TV adverts and it left me thinking, are people seriously taken in by all the guff they spout? If people are stupid enough to believe what they see and hear on adverts and it must be working because they wouldn't bother otherwise, it probably helps to explain why the UK is in such a mess


Some people believe in a God so it stands to reason that some would also believe the guff spouted on TV.

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