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Cameron creams Milliband in last PMQs

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Milliband professional? That's a bit of a stretch surely. As for being sincere I am reminded of Hughie Green "once you can fake sincerity you've got it made".


Hughie bleedin Green ??:hihi: Because of age, all that says is, your probably suffering from the onset of dementia.

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The title seems awfully rude.


I think this is the only sensible thing that can be said in this post, aside from the usual "Tories are evil!" - "Labour are Monsters!" rhetoric of course.



From a subjective LibDem point of view, I think Alan has a point, he just brings it across rather insensitively.

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The fact that you're a Tory Party member undermines your objectivity somewhat.


You're wasting your time on here anyway. No one in Sheffield votes Tory. The nearest Tory-voters are in Rampton.


Almost 50 thousand people voted Tory in the 2010 election in Sheffield. Alan Ladd is obviously one of them.

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Oh dear Ed. what a pasting. It was embarrassing. Never before in a PMQs has a leader of the opposition taken such a hammering.


Still time to go Ed, before the humiliation deepens.


CampDavid couldn't cream a trifle. I know women who'd make mincemeat of him...the big blouse.

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Actually, I think Cameron appears to beats the crap out of Milliband most question times.


Cameron has that natural 'I am born to rule' air of superiority about him that comes with being a born toff, you might almost believe he knows what he's talking about until you actually listen to the content and realise it's all soundbites, bull**** and rhetoric.


He's just a nasty, old school, bully.


He might like to try actually answering a question once in a while.

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The title seems awfully rude.




Title "Cameron creams Milliband in last PMQs"


So the question is why is Cameron running scared of TV debates and going head-to-head with Milliband? Is it because Cameron won't have is henchmen behind his shoulder?


---------- Post added 26-03-2015 at 06:12 ----------


Who was the last tory MP in Sheffield?


Ervine Patnick and what a nasty git he was. I once worked for him at Eversure Textiles

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Oh dear Ed. what a pasting. It was embarrassing. Never before in a PMQs has a leader of the opposition taken such a hammering.


Still time to go Ed, before the humiliation deepens.


You'll get a more mature level of debate on the Jerry Springer show then you do on PMQ's!

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