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Cameron creams Milliband in last PMQs

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Actually, I think Cameron appears to beats the crap out of Milliband most question times.


Cameron has that natural 'I am born to rule' air of superiority about him that comes with being a born toff, you might almost believe he knows what he's talking about until you actually listen to the content and realise it's all soundbites, bull**** and rhetoric.


He's just a nasty, old school, bully.


He might like to try actually answering a question once in a while.


Even though I will always vote Labour, I do feel on the worked stage Cameron loooks more like a leader than Milliband ever will.

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I thought it was the other way round. Cameron lost his cool and Milliband retained his professionalism. I thought Milliband came across as a much more sincere, likeable person.


I think if you see it as the other way round, you have a serious case of political myopia. The Torys led Labour into a trap and they fell for it.

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Even though I will always vote Labour, I do feel on the worked stage Cameron loooks more like a leader than Milliband ever will.
Agreed!..............Cameron is like...... Sheffield University,while Milliband is more...... Sheffield Hallam!
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The one phrase I am absolutely sick of hearing in pmqs, is the long term economic plan.

End of the day the difference between the two is becoming negligible, it will end up being pointless voting. This is why UKIP do well, there different, not good different but at least they are different.

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Actually, I think Cameron appears to beats the crap out of Milliband most question times.


Cameron has that natural 'I am born to rule' air of superiority about him that comes with being a born toff, you might almost believe he knows what he's talking about until you actually listen to the content and realise it's all soundbites, bull**** and rhetoric.


He's just a nasty, old school, bully.


He might like to try actually answering a question once in a while.


Is there a particular question you would like to ask?


---------- Post added 26-03-2015 at 18:00 ----------


Agreed!..............Cameron is like...... Sheffield University,while Milliband is more...... Sheffield Hallam!


Cameron =Sheffield Uni


Milliband =Dearne Valley College


---------- Post added 26-03-2015 at 18:04 ----------


Even though I will always vote Labour, I do feel on the worked stage Cameron loooks more like a leader than Milliband ever will.


Johnny, the Labour party have betrayed your trust. In every way. It is Labour nationally who ruined the country, raided your pension, sold our gold cheaply, got our soldiers killed in foreign wars. Allowed unfettered immigration.


Locally, well just look at it, from child abuse in Rotherham (and maybe Sheffield). to the decimation of the City centre one thing remains true.


Labour in power spend your money and do nothing for you.


Vote Tory, show the country you care, and that you will not be taken for granted.

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Is there a particular question you would like to ask?


---------- Post added 26-03-2015 at 18:00 ----------



Cameron =Sheffield Uni


Milliband =Dearne Valley College


---------- Post added 26-03-2015 at 18:04 ----------



Johnny, the Labour party have betrayed your trust. In every way. It is Labour nationally who ruined the country, raided your pension, sold our gold cheaply, got our soldiers killed in foreign wars. Allowed unfettered immigration.


Locally, well just look at it, from child abuse in Rotherham (and maybe Sheffield). to the decimation of the City centre one thing remains true.


Labour in power spend your money and do nothing for you.


Vote Tory, show the country you care, and that you will not be taken for granted.


I could never vote for the tory party, I have no objection to anyone else doing so. As for raiding my pension, after tory reforms I don't think that I'll ever be a pensioner. The Rotherham thing was unforgivable. All parties wanted to be part of the E U.

My Mp is Clive Betts who cares for his constituents, and this also makes me vote Labour.

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Ah, Ed Miliband. The guy who voted against having an enquiry into Britain's involvement in the Iraq war that his party took us into, the guy who refuses to allow the OECD to inspect the crisis-hit Welsh NHS that he and his party are in control of, the guy who speaks privately of his desire to "weaponise" the English NHS for electoral gain, the guy who worked for the Treasury when his party were busy running up budget deficits bigger than Greece's..... He'll make a great Prime Minister, that lad.

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