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How voting against the EU has implications: TTIP?

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Yes, in the following categories: News - business, Democracy live, News Scotland and the World Service, hardly channels aimed at the broader British audience.


The one report that they have in the News section is that details have been 'leaked', but that too is reported only in 'Scotland', if that is main-stream BBC than so be it, but I hear hardly anything about it on the news or indeed the front page of the website.


The BBC has a public duty to inform the citizens of Britain and it is failing miserably at it.

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Yes, in the following categories: News - business, Democracy live, News Scotland and the World Service, hardly channels aimed at the broader British audience.


Perhaps, but as per the post I was responding to, they're not studiously silent about it.


The BBC has a public duty to inform the citizens of Britain and it is failing miserably at it.


I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say failing miserably, but certainly I would agree that they could do better.

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Perhaps, but as per the post I was responding to, they're not studiously silent about it.




I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say failing miserably, but certainly I would agree that they could do better.


Sorry Magilla, but I agree with tzijlstra, they have failed not just miserably, but in my view completely! Not that I'm excusing ITV either. What's the betting nothing gets asked about it on the comedy show at 2100 hours tonight? Why? The public have so little knowledge of it, or have never heard of it (yet).

They will before the election!

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The BBC has a public duty to inform the citizens of Britain and it is failing miserably at it.


You are right, but you fail to understand the history of the UK with the EU.


Which is that from year zero, British politicians have lied to the British public about what the EU is and what it's long term aims are.


In the 1970's Ted Heath said that the UK joining the EEC as it was then would not entail any loss of British sovereignty. Which was an out and out lie.


Harold Wilson said he had resolved these worries about sovereignty. Which was another lie.


You can go on through the lies about the Maastricht treaty, the European Exchange Mechanism, the EU constitution, the Lisbon treaty ad infinitum.


Lie after lie after lie.


None of which is the fault of the EU, by the way. The EU from it's earliest days has been pretty open about what it wants. A closer and closer union, reduction in the powers of nation states, the ceding of powers from nation states upwards to the EU and downwards to "EU regions".


But the British public has never been told this. And after decades of them being told lies, those lies become impossible to defend, so they aren't talked about any more. The debate is shut down.


So we are where we are. The concept of an "EU of the regions" for example, may be debated on the continent but here it is an unknown debate. Because the plebs might not agree with the conclusions, so they aren't told of the debate - at all.


So the question has to be asked again. We have a broadcaster paid for by state money whose remit is to inform and educate; as far as the EU goes, they aren't doing it.



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If you understand anything about politics you will know that issues like this need to be sorted, not left in a lurch, because someone somewhere is going to come up with a scheme to push whatever they want through, not being represented appropriately is lethal in those circumstances.


In an earlier post, you stated:


the UK is the only of the 'big' member-states that is not radically against this clause


You've taken the opinion of UKIP as being on the fence, fair enough.


If the clause goes through against the wishes of the other "big member states", that would suggest their representation is none too appropriate would it not?

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The BBC should not be pro-EU, they should be unbiased and be prepared to fairly criticise and point out problems caused by Britain being in the EU and the EU in general.


Course they are pro-EU - look at the money they've had from it over the last five years!


---------- Post added 27-03-2015 at 10:14 ----------


At the end of the day, do we need the EU at all?

They certainly need us, and easy to see why.

We import from them far more than we export to them, creating a deficit between March 2013 and August 2014 of 5.2 billion Pounds! And that's PER MONTH as an average.

China has just announced a multi million £ investment in Coventry, and look at the other major car manufacturers - NONE of them EU Members!

Doesn't it tell you something?

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