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Paxman was incredibly rude..milliband handled it well

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Katie Hopkins says she'll leave the UK if Labour win. What bigger incentive do people want? labour landslide!!


Absolutely. Perhaps we can have a whip round to buy her a one way ticket to Somalia. There's very little state interference there, so she should enjoy it.

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I dont really care if milliband stays long term. Some good young candidates ready to step in.


I've no doubt that you are right, but I'd rather know who will be PM before I cast my vote for a Blair and wind up with a Brown again. I'm not about to vote for Miliband as PM and find out I've actually voted for Balls, or even worse some Scottish git who will sell us all out to Sturgeon in 18 months time.

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I've no doubt that you are right, but I'd rather know who will be PM before I cast my vote for a Blair and wind up with a Brown again. I'm not about to vote for Miliband as PM and find out I've actually voted for Balls, or even worse some Scottish git who will sell us all out to Sturgeon in 18 months time.


Vote for slimy Dave Cameron then and get Hitler if that's what you like. Just don't come crying to us when you're eventually inconvenienced through your own choices, which will be a sure-fire certainty as many people have already found out

Edited by Mecky
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Vote for slimy Dave Cameron then and get Hitler if that's what you like. Just don't come crying to us when you're eventually inconvenienced through your own choices, which will be a sure-fire certainty as many people have already found out


You probably missed it but I'm pretty sure Hitler is dead as he would be 126 years old if they had faked the suicide. So I'm pretty sure that a vote for Cameron would be a vote for Cameron to be PM for the full 5 years and not someone who will step aside for someone who wasn't on the manifesto.

I watched Miliband looking like he was about to burst into tears whilst Paxman gave him a grilling. If he can't take it from Paxman he certainly can't stand up to Putin.

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So, Cameron dictated the rules of the game, and was overshadowed by the better man. Paxman gave Cameron a much easier time - I think because he thought there was a chance Cameron would storm off and throw his dummy out if Paxman poked around too much.


One thing that came out of this, is that Milliband came over as a much more honest, transparent leader.


Paxman should have questioned Cameron over the Westminster paedophile scandal.



What the hell does Cameron have to do with the "Westminster pedophile scandal?

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You probably missed it but I'm pretty sure Hitler is dead as he would be 126 years old if they had faked the suicide. So I'm pretty sure that a vote for Cameron would be a vote for Cameron to be PM for the full 5 years and not someone who will step aside for someone who wasn't on the manifesto.

I watched Miliband looking like he was about to burst into tears whilst Paxman gave him a grilling. If he can't take it from Paxman he certainly can't stand up to Putin.


Hitler may be dead but his spirit lives on in the tories and UKIP

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