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Paxman was incredibly rude..milliband handled it well

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Here's Del's take on it:


Ed Miliband grilled by Kay Burley and Jeremy Paxman who were both exposed as participating in a tax avoidance scheme, via a new Tory loophole that was opened in 2011, and unlike Cameron, Miliband had his Paxman interview at the very end after the audience questions. And then Paxman spent 12 mins of that interview not asking Miliband policy question, but telling him he wont win the election and attacking his personality via what a bloke had told him on a train.

A really spiteful and personal attack and a totally unprofessional interview by Paxman. Then channel 4 finished off the evening with yet another benefit stigma programme straight after.

So a nice fair and balanced debate from channel 4...Not.

Even so David Cameron still came off second best with his constant fidgeting and stuttering when asked questions about foodbanks and zero hour contracts and cosying up to the likes of Murdoch and Lord Green. And his broken promise on VAT at the last election.

But at least Cameron got his late disabled son into the debate yet again. Funny though he did not mention the benefits he once claimed for his son, and then took them away or cut them for ordinary families with a disabled member.

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He's a/our political leader. "Westminster" is the give away. Duh!


These offences took place when Wilson Callaghan and Thatcher were in power, are you going to blame Cameron for the potato famine? what about the harrowing of the north? DUH


---------- Post added 27-03-2015 at 18:03 ----------


Here's Del's take on it:


Ed Miliband grilled by Kay Burley and Jeremy Paxman who were both exposed as participating in a tax avoidance scheme, via a new Tory loophole that was opened in 2011, and unlike Cameron, Miliband had his Paxman interview at the very end after the audience questions. And then Paxman spent 12 mins of that interview not asking Miliband policy question, but telling him he wont win the election and attacking his personality via what a bloke had told him on a train.

A really spiteful and personal attack and a totally unprofessional interview by Paxman. Then channel 4 finished off the evening with yet another benefit stigma programme straight after.

So a nice fair and balanced debate from channel 4...Not.

Even so David Cameron still came off second best with his constant fidgeting and stuttering when asked questions about foodbanks and zero hour contracts and cosying up to the likes of Murdoch and Lord Green. And his broken promise on VAT at the last election.

But at least Cameron got his late disabled son into the debate yet again. Funny though he did not mention the benefits he once claimed for his son, and then took them away or cut them for ordinary families with a disabled member.


I think you will keep going till youre the only one left Mecky. Cameron will win the election with a clear majority of 15. The UKIP bubble is bursting, Silliband is absolutely awful. Game over.

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What the hell does Cameron have to do with the "Westminster pedophile scandal?


He is accused of covering up dossiers along with Clegg and he refused to respond to repeated freedom of information requests, until he was threatened with the high court, according to the Mail On Sunday.


But you already know that, Alan.




---------- Post added 27-03-2015 at 18:32 ----------


As soon as Milliband said that he was going to raise tax for those earning over £150,000.00 a year and those living in mansions, it was obviously going to upset Paxman and everyone else in the media. They only care about themselves and their own. Paxman doesn't give a stuff about the rise in food banks any more than Cameron does.


Did you see the Dispatches programme last night at the Tory Charity auction with David Cameron, where the compere was taking the pee out of people on benefits? What a loathesome bunch.


Cameron didn't answer anything he didn't want to, and Paxman gave him an easy ride. Paxman got nasty and personal with Ed, and his insincere, 'are you alright?' or whatever he said to Milliband at the end, just proved what a horrible man he is. He's really gone down in my estimation after last night. He reminded me of that bully boy Clarkson.


Milliband came out of it as an honest, genuine, humane, gentle person.


Cameron came out of it as slippery, evasive, indifferent to those less well off, and not to be trusted.


---------- Post added 27-03-2015 at 18:34 ----------


Here's Del's take on it:


Ed Miliband grilled by Kay Burley and Jeremy Paxman who were both exposed as participating in a tax avoidance scheme, via a new Tory loophole that was opened in 2011, and unlike Cameron, Miliband had his Paxman interview at the very end after the audience questions. And then Paxman spent 12 mins of that interview not asking Miliband policy question, but telling him he wont win the election and attacking his personality via what a bloke had told him on a train.

A really spiteful and personal attack and a totally unprofessional interview by Paxman. Then channel 4 finished off the evening with yet another benefit stigma programme straight after.

So a nice fair and balanced debate from channel 4...Not.

Even so David Cameron still came off second best with his constant fidgeting and stuttering when asked questions about foodbanks and zero hour contracts and cosying up to the likes of Murdoch and Lord Green. And his broken promise on VAT at the last election.

But at least Cameron got his late disabled son into the debate yet again. Funny though he did not mention the benefits he once claimed for his son, and then took them away or cut them for ordinary families with a disabled member.


Who is Del?


That's on the money.

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Here's Del's take on it:


Ed Miliband grilled by Kay Burley and Jeremy Paxman who were both exposed as participating in a tax avoidance scheme, via a new Tory loophole that was opened in 2011, and unlike Cameron, Miliband had his Paxman interview at the very end after the audience questions. And then Paxman spent 12 mins of that interview not asking Miliband policy question, but telling him he wont win the election and attacking his personality via what a bloke had told him on a train.

A really spiteful and personal attack and a totally unprofessional interview by Paxman. Then channel 4 finished off the evening with yet another benefit stigma programme straight after.

So a nice fair and balanced debate from channel 4...Not.

Even so David Cameron still came off second best with his constant fidgeting and stuttering when asked questions about foodbanks and zero hour contracts and cosying up to the likes of Murdoch and Lord Green. And his broken promise on VAT at the last election.

But at least Cameron got his late disabled son into the debate yet again. Funny though he did not mention the benefits he once claimed for his son, and then took them away or cut them for ordinary families with a disabled member.


This is pretty much how I saw it.


Can't believe they used Kay Burley for this programme. She has been accused of bias in the past and last night she clearly delighted in the bizarre treatment of Miliband by Paxman.


I won't be voting for either of the main parties but I do like to see an element of fairness and balance, and it is critical that is got right for these debates. C4 clearly failed.

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Miliband had his Paxman interview at the very end after the audience questions.


You do know that there was a coin toss. Milliband won the toss and opted to be interviewed second.


---------- Post added 27-03-2015 at 20:31 ----------


Hitler may be dead but his spirit lives on in the tories and UKIP


They say the Tories are the nasty party but that is quite a nasty statement. You complain when the Tories are 'nasty' yet feel you have the right to make nasty statements yourself?

Edited by go4it
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Katie Hopkins says she'll leave the UK if Labour win. What bigger incentive do people want? labour landslide!!


And do you expect her to keep that promise?


Ex-Genesis frontman Phil Collins made a similar "threat" but sadly he never made good on it either.



They say the Tories are the nasty party but that is quite a nasty statement. You complain when the Tories are 'nasty' yet feel you have the right to make nasty statements yourself?


Yes, because demonising and oppressing the poor and vulnerable is not nearly as bad as calling people horrible names :roll:

Edited by The Joker
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