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Syria Girl’s Dad On Al Muhajiroun March

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You mean you were not allowed to ask questions about it?


It depends on the question I suppose. I could ask things like "what makes people equal mummy" etc, but not "Well actually as black people are far more likely to commit crime than white people, doesn't that make them less valuable than us"


Probably because a) I was too young to understand the extremely complex answer to that and to understand why (due to thinks like institutional racism and white privilege) people from certain racial demographics are more likely to commit a crime and b) My mother lacked the intellect required to answer this question.


The type of question above would probably have got me smacked with a weapon (things were different back then!).


So full discourse was not permitted, nor was I permitted to reach the conclusion that in fact one race is superior to another. I had to reach the same conclusion that my mother had reached herself.

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A very good point if the topic was about the girls, but that discussion has been done and the thread closed.


This thread is about the hypocrisy, perfectly displayed by the father and his lawyer, of the family and community from which these girls were raised.


The basic fact is that if you preach hatred for certain demographics and the country you live in, you invite people to speak of those same hatreds in your mosques, madrasses and universities, then don't be surprised if your children actually turn out to believe those things and act upon them.


Trying to blame the authorities for this, or the actions of "The West" as Bounce repeatedly does, is simply acting out some delusional grievance narrative.


My bold=

I actually agree with you on this........

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Abase Hussen, the father of one of the three schoolgirl ‘jihadi brides’, earlier this month blamed the police when his daughter hopped off to Syria. He was photographed holding a teddy bear and looking all innocent.


So now video footage has emerged showing the father of one of the three schoolgirl ‘jihadi brides’ at the head of an Islamist rally led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary and attended by Michael Adebowale, the killer of soldier Lee Rigby.






Who can say they are at all surprised by this?


It has been argued, correctly in my opinion, that these girls were in effect “groomed”. Unfortunately it seems that those grooming them included their own families.



It certainly looks as though we should round up the rest of the extended family, or families as apropriate, and send them out to join their daughter(s). With no possiblity of return of course.


A word of advice do not where possible quote the daily mail as there are left wing loonies that will accuse of being a right wing one, regardless of kow many other papers you read.


Why knowing what is in any newspaper and quoting from it has the effect of stimulating some people to apply a label to you is possibly material for a whole new thread.



Edited by Tommo68
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It certainly looks as though we should round up the rest of the extended family, or families as apropriate, and send them out to join their daughter(s). With no possiblity of return od course.


A word of advice do not where possible quote the daily mail as there are left wing loonies that will accuse of being a right wing one, regardless of kow many other papers you read.


Why knowing what is in any newspaper and quoting from it has the effect of stimulating some people to apply a label to you is possibly material for a whole new thread.





If we assume that the folk heading out to fight for IS have been radicalised, I really wonder what we gain by getting the Turkish authorities to arrest them and deport them back to the UK. What are we intending to do with them?


Do we stick them in jail or let them back out onto our streets? If we let them out onto the streets they are likely to be a danger to the general public as well as a catalyst for further radicalisation.


I would far rather see them arrive in their Islamic paradise where they will hopefully be bombed by the forces of law and order before they decide to return here to spread their poison.


Your best bet is to find the syndicated link to Reuters and link to that.

Edited by Bigthumb
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If we assume that the folk heading out to fight for IS have been radicalised, I really wonder what we gain by getting the Turkish authorities to arrest them and deport them back to the UK. What are we intending to do with them?


Do we stick them in jail or let them back out onto our streets? If we let them out onto the streets they are likely to be a danger to the general public as well as a catalyst for further radicalisation.


I would far rather see them arrive in their Islamic paradise where they will hopefully be bombed by the forces of law and order before they decide to return here to spread their poison.


Your best bet is to find the syndicated link to Reuters and link to that.


Well said.



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It certainly looks as though we should round up the rest of the extended family, or families as apropriate, and send them out to join their daughter(s). With no possiblity of return of course.


A word of advice do not where possible quote the daily mail as there are left wing loonies that will accuse of being a right wing one, regardless of kow many other papers you read.


Why knowing what is in any newspaper and quoting from it has the effect of stimulating some people to apply a label to you is possibly material for a whole new thread.




I think that the Mail is a terrible paper (although I think that the Express is worse, but it doesn't get the same criticism). As a result I don't buy one.


However, what they do have in their favour is that their on-line paper is not hidden behind a paywall. When searching for a story, the Mail often comes up as the first hit (maybe they pay Google to come out at or near the top of the page?). I see nothing wrong with using the mail as a link.

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That depends on the child, some will and some won't and you can't change it.


My mother was a smoker but I didn't feel the need to smoke. That is because my mother didn't indoctrinate and brainwash me from birth wilth lectures about the benefits of smoking.

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My mother was a smoker but I didn't feel the need to smoke. That is because my mother didn't indoctrinate and brainwash me from birth wilth lectures about the benefits of smoking.


My parents are very religious and did attempt to indoctrinate me into following their beliefs, they failed although for a while through my childhood it was easier to let them think they had succeeded.

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