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New Tory Welfare Cuts revealed..

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Because for 30-40 years of their lives they have paid National Insurance.


---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 12:01 ----------



The young who have never worked a proper day in their lives?


Two generalisations.

The young have never worked...Really. What all of them, a minority, a majority. Maybe truer to say the young have not paid taxes, as they have never been able to earn enough.

have all pensioners worked every day of their lives? majority probably have, but not all have.

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They need the pensioner vote.


Damn right they do Anna - there's over four million of us!!!

I apply that to any of the main three parties.




---------- Post added 02-04-2015 at 16:16 ----------


Yeah, wait until after the General Election when the tories stop throwing gold bars at them


Stop Mecky? When did they start? I must have been out!



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Not from where I'm sitting Anna! I worked for 60 years for my pension, and don't take holidays min Spain or anywhere else during the winter.

Class it as a "benefit"? Don't think so - I've bloody earned it!



I totally agree Frederick.


But that's not how it works. First is the softening up process where they turn public opinion against a section of society by means of snide / biased articles in the press and the media (notice how pensioners are all 'well off' these days, and how baby boomers, aka pensioners, ruined the economy, how pensioners have been 'unaffected by austerity' 'Pensioners are living longer' and therefore a huge problem in old age, etc...)

Then the change in language: pensions are now commonly referred to as 'benefits' and part of the welfare budget.

They are working towards a general ethos that pensioners are as undeserving of such 'generous benefits' and all those perks, (winter fuel allowance, etc) that hardworking people have to pay. Forgetting that those perks were put in place because the average pension is barely enough to live on


They've used exactly these tactics against the unemployed - most of whom are on their uppers.


Then when public opinion has been turned against paying them such 'generous benefits' the cuts will come with impunity. They can't wait to get their hands on this source of income.

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I wonder how many people who have been adversley affected by tory policies i.e. everyone not a banker, not a large business owner or hight profile celebrity


Unless you work for a public service or claim benefits, life under the Tories has been better than it was under Labour. Why would I vote for a party that will take money away from me by clobbering me with more taxes?

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I totally agree Frederick.


But that's not how it works. First is the softening up process where they turn public opinion against a section of society by means of snide / biased articles in the press and the media (notice how pensioners are all 'well off' these days, and how baby boomers, aka pensioners, ruined the economy, how pensioners have been 'unaffected by austerity' 'Pensioners are living longer' and therefore a huge problem in old age, etc...)

Then the change in language: pensions are now commonly referred to as 'benefits' and part of the welfare budget.

They are working towards a general ethos that pensioners are as undeserving of such 'generous benefits' and all those perks, (winter fuel allowance, etc) that hardworking people have to pay. Forgetting that those perks were put in place because the average pension is barely enough to live on


They've used exactly these tactics against the unemployed - most of whom are on their uppers.


Then when public opinion has been turned against paying them such 'generous benefits' the cuts will come with impunity. They can't wait to get their hands on this source of income.


I had noticed the rhetoric Anna - even in last night's "debate" I heard the phrase "as people are living longer" and "an ageing population"! Makes it sound as if we are all on a pension of £50,000.00 a year!




---------- Post added 03-04-2015 at 13:42 ----------


Unless you work for a public service or claim benefits, life under the Tories has been better than it was under Labour. Why would I vote for a party that will take money away from me by clobbering me with more taxes?


I work on a simple equation! Tories take your money, Labour spend it!

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Unless you work for a public service, life under the Tories has been better than it was under Labour.


The Tories have stopped normal pay rises for the public sector, even gone against the advise of pay bodies and refused to give NHS workers a fair rise; neither of those groups should vote Tory.

Old and rich people have faired the best.

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This poxy letter we saw yesterday about 100 firms backing the tories. Well, no surprise there is there. I wonder how many of these businesses are British, how many of their owners/shareholders are entitled to vote, how many of them such as Phillip Green etc, have been squirelling money out of the UK in tax schemes?


Labour response was signed by people who did not know what they were signing, it was rushed out so quickly. The Conservatives list had some of the finest and most successful businesses on it. Labour's had Red or Dead (quite apt), who actually use unpaid interns and zero hour contracts. They also had students on the list who were struggling on zero hours contracts, but within minutes people were able to find pictures of them dressed in dinner suits smoking fat cigars.


If I were you Mecky I would acknowledge success when you see it. Leave your internet friend Del alone and start to enjoy life.

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The Tories have stopped normal pay rises for the public sector, even gone against the advise of pay bodies and refused to give NHS workers a fair rise; neither of those groups should vote Tory.

Old and rich people have faired the best.


I'm neither old, nor rich. My wife works for the council and hasn't had a pay rise for years. Yet my pay has increased since 2010 as have millions of people like me across the country, so why would I want to vote Labour? I'm part of the working population that stands to be shafted the most by these so called 'middle earners' tax rises, to watch them be spent on more schemes that do nothing to improve my own quality of life.


This whole rhetoric about only the super rich feeling better off and more economically confident is sensationalist drivel, unless we now class the 'super rich' as anyone who earns more than 30k a year.

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