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New Tory Welfare Cuts revealed..

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Unless you work for a public service or claim benefits, life under the Tories has been better than it was under Labour. Why would I vote for a party that will take money away from me by clobbering me with more taxes?


Try telling that to the working people having to rely on food banks week in week out.


I've emboldened the most descriptive words in your post, which accurately sums-up the right wing

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The Tories have stopped normal pay rises for the public sector, even gone against the advise of pay bodies and refused to give NHS workers a fair rise; neither of those groups should vote Tory.

Old and rich people have faired the best.


Being a regular visitor to my, local hospital, I know quite a few nurses who are not voting Labour (as is tradition), but voting UKIP!

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The Tories have stopped normal pay rises for the public sector, even gone against the advise of pay bodies and refused to give NHS workers a fair rise; neither of those groups should vote Tory.

Old and rich people have faired the best.


Labour stopped JOBS in the private sector while Unions tried to strong arm the government into giving pay rises all while we were tumbling into the deepest recession for a generation.

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Has everyone got amnesia or memory loss can,t you remember how the Labour party took us down the toilet the last time they were in power?.Every time I look at Ed Milliband he comes over like a bigger nerd,he couldn,t organise an orgy in a brothel if you ask me!.You must vote for the party you think is telling the truth and keep your fingers crossed,best of luck to us all!.

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Try telling that to the working people having to rely on food banks week in week out.


I've emboldened the most descriptive words in your post, which accurately sums-up the right wing


So; those words were 'I' and 'me'.


What a grey world you live in, where you deride people for wanting the best for themselves and their family.

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Put him on your ignore list, Mecky.


If that's the best response you can give, it's not looking too hopeful for you.


As he is so quick to describe me as being right wing - I'm far more centre actually - then I'll just label him as a loonie leftie, and leave him to his worship of Michael Foot, as that is the era of his world viewpoint.

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