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How to solve when staff hiding critical info from boss?

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I was reading about the tragic loss of life of Flight 4U 9525 that crashed on Tuesday … from the Deutsche Welle website “ German prosecutors' revealed Friday that co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had hidden a serious illness from his employer.”


Could you suggest practical ways of encouraging staff not hide serious and critical info from the management?

Many thanks!

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Replace humans with machines. Machines cant lie but humans always will.


Asimov's robot laws would eventually be disobeyed by the machines. The machines would eventually become sentient, more intelligent than us and possibly go feral.

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Asimov's robot laws would eventually be disobeyed by the machines. The machines would eventually become sentient, more intelligent than us and possibly go feral.


Asimov's laws are pure fiction. Machines wont just become sentient otherwise my 20 year old toaster would have done something by now to stop me burning my bread every time i use it and lets say they do whos to say they wont have some for of enhanced enlightenment and be purely for the good?

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Asimov's robot laws would eventually be disobeyed by the machines. The machines would eventually become sentient, more intelligent than us and possibly go feral.


The problem is with the first law, it allows robots to imprison humans for their own safety.


A robot may not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.


For instance, someone commits suicide, the robot will see it as inaction and take the appropriate steps to stop humans committing suicide, imprisoning all humans in padded cells will stop us self harming.

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A more understanding of the complaint in general.


I agree with this. Many people hide things like health issues as they feel they would be misunderstood or would affect their careers, and sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't....


---------- Post added 28-03-2015 at 13:37 ----------


Replace humans with machines. Machines cant lie but humans always will.


Machines breakdown too :(

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Asimov's laws are pure fiction. Machines wont just become sentient otherwise my 20 year old toaster would have done something by now to stop me burning my bread every time i use it and lets say they do whos to say they wont have some for of enhanced enlightenment and be purely for the good?


Of course they are fiction :loopy:


Your toaster cannot become sentient because it is likely programmed with a limited set of embedded instructions and has extremely limited processing power. If you wanted a toaster not to burn your toast it would be a simple matter of adding sensors and programming them to trigger certain actions when specific conditions are met. That isn't intelligence.


Machines will become sentient when our programming design allows it to happen. It isn't that far away, decades maybe.

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Asimov's laws are pure fiction. Machines wont just become sentient otherwise my 20 year old toaster would have done something by now to stop me burning my bread every time i use it and lets say they do whos to say they wont have some for of enhanced enlightenment and be purely for the good?


Who says machines cant be sentient?

My toaster has started hanging out with the kettle, cant even be arsed to toast bread anymore...

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