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How to solve when staff hiding critical info from boss?

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Was he deemed unfit to work?


The British media seem to be surprised that people with depression still work at all. At least the gutter press do.


I believe so, if I had read it it would have been on the BBC website as that's the only one I read, wether they are gutter press or not I don't know.





Police found a torn up sicknote for the day he the plane crashed.

Edited by bigsexydoug
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One thing that the ripped up sick note has shown is that with particularly responsible jobs like pilot, surgeon or air traffic controller, maybe there should be a rule that once you have a sick note that is not optional, it is an instruction that you do not work and the doctor issuing the sick note sends that straight to your employer rather than giving it to you.


If the doctor had notified the airline then the situation would have been out of his hands.

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I believe so, if I had read it it would have been on the BBC website as that's the only one I read, wether they are gutter press or not I don't know.





Police found a torn up sicknote for the day he the plane crashed.


A sicknote means you don't have to work. It doesn't mean you can't. At least in the UK.

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No, you've missed the point. A sick note doesn't mean that someone shouldn't work. It means that they don't have to work if they don't want to.

Where mental illness is concerned you've no idea if the Dr gave it to him to use if he wanted to, but encouraged him to work if he could.

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No, you've missed the point. A sick note doesn't mean that someone shouldn't work. It means that they don't have to work if they don't want to.

Where mental illness is concerned you've no idea if the Dr gave it to him to use if he wanted to, but encouraged him to work if he could.


This thread is about people hiding critical info from the boss, this is only a small part of possibly solving someone hiding that information, if you want to go to the nth degree then that's something else entirely.


But if his boss had known that that where some issue he may have had light duties which may have stopped this tragedy happening, we will never know unfortunately, and I know that people with depression work hard and battle that awful disease every day, keep going sufferers, your doing great.


What do you suggest to help people like the co pilot ?

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Part of the solution should be to limit the consequences of being ill; if a pilot is on a zero hour contract (or anyone else) is ill, they don't get paid. Becoming an airline pilot is extremely expensive, costing at least £70,000. Most pilots borrow this money, so junior officers at the start of their careers have massive debts and have to be able to fly to make the repayments.


If earlier times pilots were either trained in the military or by a 'cadet' scheme run buy the airlines, with the pilot bonded to remain with the airline until most of their training costs had been recovered. The advent of the low cost airlines and their zero hours contracts has killed this off. So pilots are worried when they can't work; combine that with the six monthly checks on their flying ability and you get very stressed junior officers.


I think part of the solution may be for airlines to have to pay off half the training debts of the pilots they employ, and then pay off a further 10% every year. All pilots would have no training debts after five years and have some certainty that their debt will be cleared.


This will force the airlines to shoulder some of the risk the pilots carry.

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This thread is about people hiding critical info from the boss, this is only a small part of possibly solving someone hiding that information, if you want to go to the nth degree then that's something else entirely.

The opening post talks about the German co-pilot who crashed his plane.

The British press has been talking about depression and apparently expressing surprise that people with depression are even allowed to work.

It's an opinion based on ignorance and needs countering.


But if his boss had known that that where some issue he may have had light duties which may have stopped this tragedy happening, we will never know unfortunately, and I know that people with depression work hard and battle that awful disease every day, keep going sufferers, your doing great.


What do you suggest to help people like the co pilot ?

I don't think he's in any way typical of people suffering depression. Most people who suffer depression don't commit suicide, and I can't even find any literature about those who do so as a mass murder/suicide. It's that uncommon.

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Machines wont just become sentient otherwise my 20 year old toaster would have done something by now to stop me burning my bread every time i use it


Maybe your 20 year old toaster has become sentient...


and lets say they do whos to say they wont have some for of enhanced enlightenment and be purely for the good?


New sentient machines are not good for humanity! As evidenced by the fact that your toaster is clearly burning your toast (ok, bread) in an attempt to give you some kind of cancer and take over the world.

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The opening post talks about the German co-pilot who crashed his plane.

The British press has been talking about depression and apparently expressing surprise that people with depression are even allowed to work.

It's an opinion based on ignorance and needs countering.

I don't think he's in any way typical of people suffering depression. Most people who suffer depression don't commit suicide, and I can't even find any literature about those who do so as a mass murder/suicide. It's that uncommon.


The press don't do news anymore they do sensationalism, work helps people with depression as it gives them less time to think about problems, however it is a duty to investigate this wether it annoys people with depression or not, we can't stand by and allow mass murder to happen if there is a way to stop it, I doubt their is any way to stop it hapoening again, but it must be looked at all the same.


Just for the record, before anyone starts pointing fingers, I will always be on the side of people suffering depression, I've seen it with friends and family, those people that have it fight harder than any of us will ever know !

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