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Uk wages so heavily taxed..employer confidence low

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Youre assuming its strictly relative to other countries.

Yet, it could be more a comparison with the past.

Lets not forget wages are only just returning to pre 2008 levels...the gfc kind of skews things


Well why not actually state what you mean, so there is no assumption required.


And then prove that your axiom is actually correct.


We certainly aren't heavily taxed in comparison to many countries. So what ARE we heavily taxed in comparison to?

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Well why not actually state what you mean, so there is no assumption required.


And then prove that your axiom is actually correct.


We certainly aren't heavily taxed in comparison to many countries. So what ARE we heavily taxed in comparison to?


Why dont you contact the mods and try and change the title lol!

'compared to other countries the UK is taxed heavily'

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Lots of talk about rent, transport food and other costs going up whilst wages aren't but what has that got to do with high tax rates.

For those who talk of 2nd jobs are you saying that you earn more than £41,866 which is when you would start to pay higher tax rates?

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Or 'we are not taxed heavily compared to other countries'...just whatever suits to make a point


---------- Post added 30-03-2015 at 09:27 ----------


Lots of talk about rent, transport food and other costs going up whilst wages aren't but what has that got to do with high tax rates.

For those who talk of 2nd jobs are you saying that you earn more than £41,866 which is when you would start to pay higher tax rates?


Tax isnt just income tax..will leave it there..


---------- Post added 30-03-2015 at 09:59 ----------


Let's compare to my home country. As an employee of a school (first permanent post as a librarian) in 2003/5 I brought home around 25,000 € a year. That was structured on a 13 month pay structure (you get an extra month's wages before Christmas.)


so effectively 2000 € a month gross pay. (These are head calculated numbers, roughly right)


a minimum of 36,5% of that goes straight to the tax-man, Leaving me with around 1200 €


Health-insurance (the kicker that people here always forget about when moving abroad) costs me around 120€ a month. Leaving me around 1080.


Car taxes are considerably higher, council taxes equal (I think), VAT a bit higher, you pay taxes to the province and the water-management council as well, in a lot of councils you pay for waste collection, membership of libraries is not free, musea and art galleries are not free, childcare costs an absolute fortune, all schools are fee-based, 1500€ per child in primary school if I recall well, twice that in secondary school.


Housing is relatively a bit cheaper, but not a lot and ONLY if you buy and use the mortgage rebate to the fullest (ie. exploit the system) renting in the Netherlands costs a fortune compared to here.


After paying for housing, as a single man I would be left with around 400€ a month to spend on food, entertainment, clothes and fuel. That is about the same as JSA? and that would be on a 25K income, which is just under average in the NLs.


So no, things ain't half bad here.


They even boast about 'lower than average' salaries here..not exactly encouraging to grads is it..




Sheffield is still an expensive place to live. Maybe not quite as expensive as parts of Leeds or Manchester. But you can earn higher salaries there.


I think you will find if you brought home just under average income as a single man in UK, with outgoings it is roughly equivalent to netherlands. Further south and its less rosy..

Edited by ubermaus
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Why dont you contact the mods and try and change the title lol!

'compared to other countries the UK is taxed heavily'


Because that isn't true... It's you that started the topic, I'm asking you to be clear about what you mean, and then to prove that it's true.

Can you do that?


---------- Post added 30-03-2015 at 10:41 ----------


I think you will find if you brought home just under average income as a single man in UK, with outgoings it is roughly equivalent to netherlands. Further south and its less rosy..


And what supports this thought?

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Because that isn't true... It's you that started the topic, I'm asking you to be clear about what you mean, and then to prove that it's true.

Can you do that?


---------- Post added 30-03-2015 at 10:41 ----------



And what supports this thought?


What supports the thought? Read the link...there was a link about other countries and how we compare earlier in the thread.


---------- Post added 30-03-2015 at 11:10 ----------


What do you mean by "employer confidence low"?


Not offering high salaries.

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