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What Would Happen If Loads Refused To Pay Council Tax

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I have just received my new council tax bill from Rotherham Council (its increased in cost) but I am loath to pay any hard earned money to this useless organisation, the roads where I live are an absolute disgrace and having written to the council about them they have no intention of doing anything with them for at least two more years, the Rotherham abuse scandal, incompetent leaders on huge salaries, pay offs for people who have gone because they cannot do there jobs properly, the Icelandic bank scandal of a few years ago etc etc.


It really is criminal to throw any more money at this shambles and its high time the public took a stand and refused to pay up!!! :rant::rant:

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I think the council tax system in this country is a ripp off and needs a whole rethink never mind just Rotherham, as if we don't pay enough in taxes and vat,but there are always people who will just blindly cough up their hard earned cash without a whimper,if people would just stand up and say no we are not paying this unfair and unjust tax the authorities would have to think again..

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I assume you're thinking of the poll tax protests back in the day.


These days there's probably some anti-terror law to stop you protesting and if you just don't pay, there's plenty of room in jail (but no room for the violent criminals unfortunately)


Vive le revolution

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actually an easier way to make a protest if for every one to pay their council tax on a monthy basis by cheque , The Banking system could not cope


Sheffield council no longer accept cheques for council tax. ,they just return them to you .mind you how much would it cost them to return if everyone did send payments by cheque .

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I have just received my new council tax bill from Rotherham Council (its increased in cost) but I am loath to pay any hard earned money to this useless organisation, the roads where I live are an absolute disgrace and having written to the council about them they have no intention of doing anything with them for at least two more years, the Rotherham abuse scandal, incompetent leaders on huge salaries, pay offs for people who have gone because they cannot do there jobs properly, the Icelandic bank scandal of a few years ago etc etc.


It really is criminal to throw any more money at this shambles and its high time the public took a stand and refused to pay up!!! :rant::rant:


I agree, it sucks, when I am unhappy with a service or product I can take legal action against the supplier or easier still just not use or pay for the service.

Whats even more annoying is if I do choose to take legal action against the council I will have to pay for my legal costs as well as contributing to the councils legal costs.

Its time for private companies to take over all the services and let people pay for what they want to use.

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By delaying payment you'd add to the council's budgetting problems, already a nightmare due to government cuts. They'd have to pursue you to pay, eventually through the courts. In extreme cases councils will take it as far as bankruptcy action if they believe you can pay. If many didn't pay they'd go bankrupt, employees would be sacked, and even more services would be cut.

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I have just received my new council tax bill from Rotherham Council (its increased in cost) but I am loath to pay any hard earned money to this useless organisation, the roads where I live are an absolute disgrace and having written to the council about them they have no intention of doing anything with them for at least two more years, the Rotherham abuse scandal, incompetent leaders on huge salaries, pay offs for people who have gone because they cannot do there jobs properly, the Icelandic bank scandal of a few years ago etc etc.


It really is criminal to throw any more money at this shambles and its high time the public took a stand and refused to pay up!!! :rant::rant:


Too much tax in general in UK, but I cant see not paying as being the answer. Just better distribution is needed.


---------- Post added 29-03-2015 at 09:36 ----------


I agree, it sucks, when I am unhappy with a service or product I can take legal action against the supplier or easier still just not use or pay for the service.

Whats even more annoying is if I do choose to take legal action against the council I will have to pay for my legal costs as well as contributing to the councils legal costs.

Its time for private companies to take over all the services and let people pay for what they want to use.


Privitising increases prices and doesnt necessarily improve services. Would be a logisitical nightmare too.


---------- Post added 29-03-2015 at 09:37 ----------


just look where that's got us in Sheffield at the moment what with capita/kier/Veolia etc :suspect::hihi::hihi:


Buses! there are some services that should be kept inhouse and paid for out the public purse.

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just look where that's got us in Sheffield at the moment what with capita/kier/Veolia etc :suspect::hihi::hihi:


What do they do that the council could do better?


---------- Post added 29-03-2015 at 09:53 ----------


Privitising increases prices and doesnt necessarily improve services. Would be a logisitical nightmare too.


Privatising increases competition, which increases quality and lowers cost and should give you the choice of service provider or not using or paying for the service.

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