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What Would Happen If Loads Refused To Pay Council Tax

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A third of your council tax goes towards pensions,so not only have you helped keep them in a job, but you are now helping keep them in retirement!


Council spend on pensions is approx £52million pa. Total council expenditure approx £1.3 billion.


All income the council gets contributes to pensions - not just council tax which is only about 20% of council income.

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There was a FOI request about the cost of pensions in 2013 and this was the response.


"Could you please tell me how much of the council tax collected in the year 2011-2012 was allocated to pay the pensions of retired public sector workers? It would be helpful to state the total council tax collected, and the total paid out to supplement pensions (if any)."


Local Government Pensions are paid by the South Yorkshire Pension Fund (SYPF).


The Council pay an employer's pension contribution to the SYPF and the annual cost of this is met from the Council's general financial resources including government grant, business rate income, council tax and fees & charges.


As the Statement of Accounts report, Sheffield City Council's total estimated revenue resources amounted to £1,500 million in 2011/12. The cost of employer's contributions to SYPF was £54m.


I hope this information is helpful.




I am not very good at hard sums but that a third of £1500 million is £500 million not £54 million, have I done my sums wrong?

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The trick the press use is that lots of people think that council tax pays for all council services - therefore SCC may collect something like £170 million in council tax and spend just over £50 million on pensions.


It conveniently forgets SCC gets in total over a billion pounds in income.


Pensions are approx 4% of total council spend.

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We contribute to private pension schemes,not just councils.


A percentage of money we pay for goods and services to private companies'

will go towards their pension schemes.

So why not stop buying goods from the private sector

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Absolutely correct ... if people didn't pay their council tax, who do they think would provide community utlities and provide law and order. The whole infrastructure of the city would collapse, maybe that's what the lefties want to happen?


Interesting theory.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the wealthy tax-dodging parasites who aren't paying their fair share of tax, causing the infrastructure collapse you are so fearful of?


Have you been living with your head in the sand for the last five years?

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Veolia .......... private profit making company took over the running of the dump it sites from the council and made a complete mess of it. They then subbed it out to another company ( the green co ) ,who have made an even bigger balls up of the job.


Just one example


Can you spell hypocrite? Look, I've done it for you.

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You dont have a choice unless you become a freeman on the land e.g. unemployable loafer.


---------- Post added 29-03-2015 at 12:54 ----------



Its the right who want a small government, not left.


Come the revolution, I would have thick northerners like you horse whipped!

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Interesting theory.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the wealthy tax-dodging parasites who aren't paying their fair share of tax, causing the infrastructure collapse you are so fearful of?


Have you been living with your head in the sand for the last five years?

Well!..............correct me if I am wrong,but isn't it also lots of the the non wealthy tax dodging parasites that aren't paying their fair share of tax also?

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars,seems to be conveniently forgotten by some on both sides of the coin.

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Interesting theory.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the wealthy tax-dodging parasites who aren't paying their fair share of tax, causing the infrastructure collapse you are so fearful of?


Have you been living with your head in the sand for the last five years?

No, living in the south, away from muppets like you!

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