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Green Party Wants To Put The Queen In A Council House

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One of the fumiest books I've read is by the wonderful Sue Townsend (creator of Adrian Mole) called 'The Queen and I'. In it a socialist government is elected & the Royal Family are decamped to a council estate. Definitely worth a read!

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What does she plan to do with the queens current house, move in herself?


A good idea to convert into a shelter for the homeless or insecurely housed. Or perhaps convert it into flats so that MPs would have somewhere to live when in London, so they didn't have to buy second homes using taxpayers money. Or how about a development of 'luxury flats', not enough of them around :rolleyes:

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A good idea to convert into a shelter for the homeless or insecurely housed. Or perhaps convert it into flats so that MPs would have somewhere to live when in London, so they didn't have to buy second homes using taxpayers money. Or how about a development of 'luxury flats', not enough of them around :rolleyes:


That sounds a reasonable idea, does she have plans to take every house off every owner or is just the Queen she doesn't like. :suspect:

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That sounds a reasonable idea, does she have plans to take every house off every owner or is just the Queen she doesn't like. :suspect:


Maybe she just doesn't like people who are given countless mansions due to an accident of birth.


It's not as if the queen actually bought any of her homes is it?

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The Greenies are always good for a laugh :hihi::hihi:


What a joke they are .


Anyway Penny, seeing as though you're a hot shot landlord, you could always buy Buckingham Palace & convert it into flats....Just think of the profits! ;)

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So any Royalists who would have voted for the Green Party may not now:D


There would still be a royal family. There would still be some palaces. The family would still have extreme wealth and arguably without being shackled by the state would become even wealthier. The difference would be that they wouldn't be part of the state, and we wouldn't have to pay for them.


The counter arguments I guess would be what about the tourism money they bring in. But then I'd ask any person making that argument if they'd ever been to Versailles and seen how many people flock from all over the world to visit the palaces of a dead monarchy. In many ways it could be even better for us - visitors only ever get to see small sections of the palaces now with tight security imposed. If the royals moved out then the palaces are more open and a bigger draw.


But if they wanted a council house I'm sure one could be provided, just like it could be to any other citizen.

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