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Green Party Wants To Put The Queen In A Council House

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Unless they come to visit these places because we still have an active Monarch. How many people visit France just because they used to have a Monarchy.


I would think far more than visit Britain judging by the numbers that visit Versailles and the chateaux in the Loire valley.


Mind you the French climate, food & wine help a lot as well.

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Fighting hopeless causes has limited appeal I'm afraid.


Whilst ever they take care not to get caught out doing something outrageous that really offends people they'll survive through a mixture of apathy,ignorance, genuine support and " well it's always been like that, why change it " reactionism.


The Queen has played her hand brilliantly, how can anyone get overly anti about her personally?


Charles may be a different kettle of fish as he's going to find it almost impossible to keep his mouth shut and not give his views on everything under the sun.


That partiality is completely unacceptable in the role as it's been laid down and defined by the actions of his mother, could be amusing times ahead.


My own objection to them is purely on principle it is an archaic anachronistic institution which should be unacceptable in any mature country in this day and age.


They could keep a decent amount of money and a couple of nice homes in my view but their claim to ownership of all of the land in the country plus their titles would be abolished.


The Austrians dealt with it sensibly when they refused permission for the Hapsburgs to return to the throne and became a republic.



Republic are making some progress and are really the best course of action open to us. The continued work - and you should listen to Graham Smith speak - will mean we are ready to take advantage when the "Charles" situation you describe occurs.

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The set up is undemocratic you are so right.I see Charlie has opened his mouth once more to tell everybody that they are using to much energy and then climbs aboard his helicopter travels 80 miles in it climbs out and in to a seven and a half liter Rolls followed by four Range Rovers.I hope he as been preaching to Air Miles Andy about all his use of energy and his niece who has just flown back from her ninth holiday in twelve months.How do they fit all these hols in when according to some they never stop working.They are of coarse supper human and can be in two places at once.Anyway I have taken his advice on board and every body in the house will have to ask permission to put the kettle on. PS Has anybody got a spare room.


Well you see with them it's very much a case of 'do as I say, not as I do'.


For instance, the Duke of Edinburgh once gave an interview where he stated that if he were to be reincarnated he would want to come back as a deadly virus, in order to thin out the worlds population because there are too many of us and not enough staple foods and energy resources to go around.




He did this in all seriousness in total disregard of the fact that he has four children and eight grandchildren.


Given the conspicuous consumption in both food ( Banquets ) and energy usage ( fuel, electricity for the chandeliers and the constant international trips they all indulge in ) his family must be responsible for more use of resources than just about any other 100 families combined.


But that's different you see, because they are 'special' and conspicuous consumption is their birthright.


The Dukes virus would be selective no doubt, people with blue blood would be immune and only commoners would be eliminated. :)


---------- Post added 31-03-2015 at 16:34 ----------


I would think far more than visit Britain judging by the numbers that visit Versailles and the chateaux in the Loire valley.


Mind you the French climate, food & wine help a lot as well.


OY! What about our beer and Wensleydale cheese then?

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